What a strange rule has been made,
Soft flowers wither under customs.
Who doesn't know what life is,
Who doesn't know what relations are,
Who doesn't know what's good and bad,
Who doesn't know strangers or its own.
Put the burden of marriage on such delicate shoulders.
Like two wings tied with pegs.
At such young age,
Wedding bets played inadvertently.
What is husband and wife ask them,
What is relationship ask them.
In just a snap of the finger their childhood is gone,
They created life and bonding in the game.
Do not tie them in the name of customs,
Child marriage is a curse,
Do not put this burden on little ones.
Truth (poetry's)
PuisiHeyy.... m not a poet but trying to be one. Hope y'all like it. And these poems r related to some issues happening in this world. People who r suffering I wanna say that u people r the strongest ones on earth for not giving up. My heart goes out to...