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She had just been relocated North Bane Street when they came—Jawas, in a quantity of five, arriving at her window in the dead of night.

Curious little creatures they were, with a language unlike any other and bright eyes sparking in the darkness. They hadn't known she was awake as they pried open the window and leapt through, with "hups" and "hos" spoken in effort. Their feet barely made a pattering noise as they landed on the hardwood floor.

The young girl drew her covers closer to her chin.

When they spoke, they were so loud in comparison to the dead of night that she had to wonder if her newest caretakers, Lori May and John Alfedo, could hear from their room just down the stairs. But given that she could not hear their stirring in the hallway, she figured that they must still be sleeping the night away, unbeknownst to them the aliens in their home. While she was not fearful quite yet, she found herself hoping they would come to the door sometime in the next few moments.

A Jawa moved closer to her bedpost, making large motions toward her laying just beyond, saying something to his comrades. She still couldn't understand them, and stayed still as they all began surrounding the bed. A gust of wind blew through, her curtains rising up and startling one of them. Perhaps it was a dream. Perhaps she'd wake up at any moment to the sound of Lori May clanging around in the kitchen, making pancakes. But when she squeezed her eyes shut and opened them again, she was still there, surrounded by the faceless shapes of aliens, waiting to be whisked away.

And that was when the main Jawa—the one who had been doing most of the speaking, the ordering, and maybe even the coordinating—noticed that she was wide awake. He cried out in exclamation—this was obviously not a part of his plan. The girl finally gasped in surprise as well, as it was not her intention to have been caught observing her own abduction. The Jawa quickly clapped his hand over her mouth, and the last thing she remembered was the glow of his eyes consuming her vision as all went dark.

She never saw Lori May or John Alfedo again.

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