chapter 8

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5 days after Christmas

Jeongguk p.o.v

I'm at work I was typing on my computer to finish up some work . I decided to check the calender and saw what today is and it was my future husband's  birthday UwU I've started to have clouds of thoughts on what I'm going to do for my bae birthday hmm .

Lunch time at a cafe

As I was eating my food   I've looked up and I saw a familiar face it was my best friend from high school it was yugyeom

As I was eating my food   I've looked up and I saw a familiar face it was my best friend from high school it was yugyeom

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( here is a visual if anyone need it )

Jeongguk: yugyeom !

Yugyeom: Jeongguk what up man

After he said that he sat down on the seat in front of me

Jeongguk:the sky

Yugyeom :ugh anyways what do you want to talk about *sips cup of tea*

Jeongguk: oh well you see I finally have a lover 

Yugyeom: oh congratulation

Jeongguk: yeah and today it is his birthday and I need to decide what to give him
For his birthday and I got no idea .

Yugyeom: go on a date , have a good fuck in the bathroom or red room , buy him a present I don't know just do something.

Jeongguk: I going to go on a date with him because why not and we already have fucked  so why are you suggesting that?

Yugyeom: how was I supposed to know?

Jeongguk: I don't know, you tell me*sips coffee *

Yugyeom: *checks the time * oh looks like it is time for me to get back to work

Jeongguk: bye hoe

His Possession (kookv)Book 1Where stories live. Discover now