Chapter 46

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 No one p.o.v 

Today was as normal as always but was it going to be normal or surprising? well, let go see. The teacher was teaching the class until she heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and to her surprise, it was the king and queen she immediately bowed down to show her respect. 

Taehyung: You can stand up Ma'am. I'm sorry if we interrupt your lesson.

the teacher got up and just stared at Taehyung but then snap out of it.

Teacher: Oh no you didn't. why don't you come inside I'm sure the kids won't mind having a special guest. By the way, they are teenagers.

Taehyung: That's fine.

The teacher moved out of the way so the king and queen can come into the classroom that all of the students got up and bowed down then sat back in their seats. 

Teacher: As you can see the king and queen have come to visit us. I Want each and one of you to introduce yourself. Just your name and age. 

Student#1: Good morning your highnesses my name is Hangyeol and I'm 16 years old.

Student#2: Good morning your highnesses my name is Seojoon and I'm 17 years old

after the next 20 students that introduced themselves.

Teacher: And that all of them.

Taehyung: That was not all of them. I'm sure there was one more.

Taehyung walked to the back of the class to a student who has tattoos on his neck and with a lip ring on his lip. Taehyung was standing in front of him and with a smile and said softly.

Taehyung: Do you mind telling me your name sweetie?

The teen looked up at Taehyung and was awestruck by Taehyung's beauty that he blushes and looked down.

Student#23: my name is J-Jeongwu. My name is Jeongwu and I'm 17years old.

Taehyung: Well Jeongwu nice to meet you. It's actually nice to meet all of you.

Jeongguk: It's a pleasure to meet you all.  My wife and I wanted to visit so I hope we have a splendid time.

Taehyung: But today instead of your teacher teaching you, we'll be the one Teaching you cute munchkins.

The class cheers with happiness.

Jeongguk got his laptop and connects it to the smartboard that showed a slide show of the lesson.

Taehyung: Today we'll be talking about love. Does anyone know the definition of love?

Some of the students raised their hands.

Taehyung: Seojoon can you tell me the definition of love?

Seojoon: Love is when you fall in love with someone.

Taehyung: That's not it but good try.

Jeongwu raised his hand and Taehyung picked him to say the answer.

Jeongwu: Love is an intense feeling of deep affection.

Jeongwu: Love is an intense feeling of deep affection

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