Gundham x Kazuichi

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(Shut up I have a right to love them-
PS: there are major spoilers to the ending of Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, so I suggest finishing the game before reading)

"...I'm tired, Kazuichi."

There was a rustle of fabric, and the feeling of bright pink eyes boring holes into his back. "Well yeah, we're all tired man." The person's stare moved to the floor. "...I don't want anymore of this shit."

The words were spoken with enough hatred it took Gundham a moment to process it. "I understand your malice, but this entire situation seems to be out of our control."

The silence was deafening as the two held their breath. Gundham began tapping his finger against the table in the strawberry lounge, matching the pacing to a familiar tune he could faintly remember. Kazuichi was still fiddling with the small gadget in his hand. He mentioned once that he always kept little objects in his pocket to tinker with when he felt anxious, but this was the first time he'd ever pulled one out in front of the other Ultimate.

"...I'm hungry." The mechanic spoke to no one in particular. Gundham chuckled. "Of course you are, we haven't eaten in days."

The silence was more tense this time. "I know that. I just...I just hate it, is all." Gundham could only nod. Kazuichi sucked in a slow breath. The elephant in the room hadn't been addressed, though. Maybe it was better that way. Gundham set his Devas onto the table, gently petting them and rubbing their bellies. It gave him something to do, to distract himself.

"We all despise this wretched game, that is why we must persevere. It is how we keep Monokuma from doing whatever his foul mind sees fit." Kazuichi gritted his teeth. "But he still is...people are still dying around us and...we're the ones killing them." Gundham began scratching under Maga-Z's chin, watching as the others fumbled around his hand for affection. "'Tis the rambling of a mere mortal. Those before us died because they lost will and hope. That is why we must push farther." The tense feeling in the air didn't let up.

"...Are we gonna die here?"

Gundham stopped, and the silence filled once more. The elephant had be addressed. He looked up at Kazuichi, only now noticing the cold sweat he was sporting as his hands shook. He looked like he was about to cry. "I-I don't wanna die here...I have so much more I wanna do, you know? S-Shit-"

Gundham hesitated for a moment, before placing his hand on Kazuichi's."Don't think like that. You have yet to see the outcome of our futures, so don't lose faith in life so soon."

Kazuichi let out a ragged breath, clearly holding back tears. "Y-Yeah..."

Gundham could tell there was something else on his mind. "You're thinking more than usual. What's troubling you now?" Kazuichi chuckled a bit. "Was that an insult, or were you trying to comfort me?" Gundham smiled. "A bit of both."

Kazuichi let out another laugh, a better one, but it died down quickly. "...I'm a pessimist. I-I'm not good at all this hopeful shit...I wanna live, b-but I don't know what we're gonna do in this situation...y-y'know?"

Gundham nodded. "I understand your concern. But what are you purposing we do?" Kazuichi tightened his grip on Gundham's hand.

"...I-Is it bad that, t-that I'm hoping another killing happens?"

That was a surprise to Gundham. He never expected Kazuichi to descend that deep in his fears, despite how scared he always seemed. "...Why a killing?"

Kazuichi tore his hand away from the breeder's, pulling down his beanie. He looked pretty ashamed of himself. "I-I shouldn't have said that! Just forget about it, man."

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