Gonta x Ryoma

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Ryoma made it a routine to wake up before everyone else when he headed into the cafeteria for breakfast. After the others became afraid of him because of his past, he decided it might be better to distance himself from the rest of the group. He wasn't surprised, it made sense for everyone to be on guard. After all, in a killing game, who better to suspect than someone who has actually killed people before. He didn't blame the group for their distance, but it was still a hassle.

Luckily, out of the few people who weren't afraid of him, there was the Ultimate Maid, Kirumi Tojo. He couldn't imagine waking up in this hellhole without her cooking each morning.

They sometimes talked while she made breakfast for the rest of the group, or other days they would just relax in a calming silence. Neither of them were very loud people, so any conversation they held was usually pretty light and far in between.

This particular day Kirumi had made bacon and eggs (at Kaito's request), and gracefully slid it, along with a glass of water, across the table to Ryoma. He nodded, mumbled a quick 'thanks', and that was all their talk for the day. There was the occasional humming from the kitchen or the sizzling of bacon against the pan, but mostly a relaxing silence. They could only prey that Kokichi decided to sleep in today so they could bask in it a bit longer.

Just as Ryoma was about to dig in he felt the table vibrate under him. The faint sound of thumping from outside getting louder and louder as the area shook with more force. He shot a look to Kirumi, who seemed to be doing just fine despite the disturbance. Still humming along, clearly trying to ignore the sound in favor of finishing the bacon.

Then the door swung open.

Maybe, by sheer luck, if Ryoma didn't acknowledge whoever it was behind him, and they had some sort of brain in their skull, they would know to ignore him and finish their business quickly. If only he were that lucky.

"Gonta has found you, Ryoma!" He heard a hushed snort from the kitchen as Kirumi started on the eggs, clearly holding back a chuckle. Of all the people, of course it was Gonta Gokuhara. The one person who couldn't read the room. Ryoma slowly turned around to face Gonta, sending a nod his way. "Hey big guy, what brings you here?" Gonta quickly made his way over, kneeling down in front of the table so he could face Ryoma. "Gonta had a request for Ryoma, if he wasn't busy."

The former tennis pro gestured down at his food. "I'm kinda eating right now, can it wait?"Gonta nodded quickly. "Of course! A gentleman always wait for others!" Ryoma smiled a bit, slowly taking a bite of his eggs. "Gonta! Would you like some breakfast now? You usually wake up later, but I can make you something if you'd like." Kirumi called from the kitchen. Gonta turned towards her. "No, Gonta is fine! He'll eat breakfast later with everyone else." Gonta shouted back.

Kirumi nodded and stepped out of the kitchen, three plates of food in hand. "Alright then, i'll be sending these off to Himiko, Korekiyo, and Maki now. Call on me if you'd like to request anything." With that she was gone, and Ryoma was left with two large eyes boring into his side as he ate. If it was anyone else, he would've been pretty annoyed by the staring. But when he sent a look towards Gonta, and saw his large eyes staring innocently, he couldn't bring himself to complain. He had to admit, the guy was attractive, but it wasn't overwhelming like Rantaro, or out shined by his personality like Korekiyo. He meant well, and he was so kindhearted too. He couldn't tell whether he wanted to pet him or-


Ryoma's eyes widened, a very clear blush spreading across Gonta's face. "S-Sorry, that was Gonta..." Ryoma nodded slowly. "Yeah, I figured. Why didn't you grab any food from Kirumi?" Gonta scratched his chin, looking down awkwardly. "W-Well, Gonta feel bad that everyone rely on Kirumi for things, and it not gentlemanly to throw all the work on one lady, even if lady very strong. But Gonta not very smart. He can't help Kirumi with cooking or cleaning. Kirumi nice to Gonta, so Gonta wait until breakfast to help give Kirumi break!" Despite the guy's weird speech pattern, Ryoma understood the gist of it. "That's pretty sweet of ya' big guy. I'm sure she appreciates it." Gonta smiled.

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