Komaru x Toko

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(Thought I should point out that this takes place just after the events of Ultra Despair Girls, so if you haven't seen the game I highly suggest it)

"A-Are you sure about this Omaru?" Toko groaned, shuffling around the hotel room. Her eyes darted across the space as Komaru checked through the drawers of the dresser near the bed. "Well, where else are we gonna sleep? The Monokumas already found our last hiding place, and there's no way i'm calling my brother so soon after he left." She turned to send a quick glare to her partner. "And my name's Komaru! You know that!"

Toko rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Ms. Brother complex..." There was a groan from across the room. "I do not have a brother complex!" Toko mumbled a low 'sure' and continued inspecting the room hesitantly. "And you're sure you've killed all the Monokumas?"

"Yes. Now, do you want these clothes I found or not?"

That caught Toko's attention. She spun around, her eyes wide with surprise. "W-Wait, there's clothes here!?" Komaru smiled, holding up a giant band t-shirt. "Apparently whoever stayed here left some stuff behind, there's also some underwear-" Before she could continue Toko had already snatched the shirt and underwear, inspecting them quickly. "Ugh, I definitely know what they were getting up to..." She waved around the lace panties half-heartedly.

"Hey, if you don't want them just say so!" Toko's hand shot back, pulling the clothes to her chest. "N-No way i'm giving these up! I used to wear this thing in high school!" She gestured to her own clothes, clearly torn and a little bloodied. "I'm. Wearing. These." Komaru chuckled quietly, earning a scoff as she checked through some of the other drawers. "I'm surprised. Since you write all those romance novels, I assumed you'd be, like, completely into the idea of lingerie!"

She could feel Toko's eyes glaring holes into her back. Since figuring out that Toko was actually Toko Fukawa, the former Ultimate Writing Prodigy, she likes to tease her about how different she is in real life compared to the stuff she writes about.

"O-Of course not! A woman shouldn't need to rely on, on c-clothes to steal a man's heart! I'm sure Master Byakuya would agree...~" Komaru rolled her eyes. "Of course he would." The two were engulfed in a calming silence as they checked the rest of the room. At one point Toko had pointed out that this place had running water, but that was pretty much the only conversation they kept. When they were done searching, Toko had begun folding the clothes on the bed, prepping to take a bath.

"Hey, uh, Toko?"


Komaru sucked in a breath, already prepared for the storm that was about to wash over her. "Why are you so confident that Byakuya will like you back? He doesn't seem like, uh, the caring type." To her surprise there were no insults. Toko just smiled proudly. "Well, he may not see me that way now, but this kind of love takes time to flourish! I couldn't possibly rush into things with my secret seduction technique...That would just lack class!"

Komaru raised an eyebrow. "Wait, secret seduction technique?" Toko nodded. "Of course, it's a full-proof way to catch any mans attention." Komaru's eyes widened. "You know something like that!?" Toko sent a dirty look her way. "If your gonna call me ugly, j-just say it outright!" Komaru waved her hands frantically. "No no! I didn't mean it like that! I just meant that it seemed...out of character?" Toko groaned. "Why did that s-sound like a question!?"

Komaru huffed. "Whatever! Can you teach me the technique?" The writer shook her head. "And give you the chance to use it on Master Byakuya!? Not a c-chance!"

"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not into Byakuya!" Komaru whined. "Pleeeaaase teach me, Toko! I wanna know!" After a couple more seconds of desperate cries from Komaru, Toko finally gave in. "Ugh, fine! At this rate you'll attract all the Monokuma's in the area with your screeching..." Komaru jumped up happily. "Yes! Thanks Toko!" She immediately ran in to give Toko a hug, but she swiftly dodged. "H-Hey! Don't make me regret this!"

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