Kyoko x Celeste

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(I bring you spoilers for the first game and angst)


Celeste watched as the tea slid down the side of the spoon, landing in her teacup with a satisfying plop. She could hear the distant ticking of the clock above the kitchen door, but she tried to ignore it in favour of the tense silence she had grown used too.

It was ironic really. She was the one who implemented the nighttime rule, and here she was, cup of milk tea in hand, debating whether or not to try and take her shot at the killing game she was thrust into. She had a dream, a selfish and feeble dream, but a dream all the same. It was a goal she worked towards.

And with that money, I could...

She shook her head. It was too early, far too early to try and risk it. She had to get out, and this was her only shot. She had to handle it delicately.

She had yet to notice the clacking of heels against the metallic floor outside until the soft greeting of the girl in question flooded her ears. "I didn't expect you to be up past the announcement."

She quickly sucked in a breath, and dragged on a confident smile. "I'll admit, it is quite contradictory of me. I couldn't sleep and wished to have a moment of silence." There was the slight view of purple hair in her vision as the clacking got louder. "I see. I hope I'm not interrupting then." The other hummed, leaning against the table next to the gambler.

"Not at all Kyoko, I rather enjoy the company."

The two bathed in the relaxing silence as the girl in question twirled her hair absentmindedly. Celeste had continued drinking her tea, eyes downcast and searching for answers.

How much longer do I have to stay here?
Will I be able to wait much longer?
Can I really kill-


A gloved hand rested on Celeste's shoulder, and the two met eyes. "Are you okay? You don't look so good." Kyoko's concern came out more as a comforting hum, waving away all of Celeste's anxiety almost instantly. "I haven't a clue what you mean, I am simply enjoying some tea-"

"You can't lie to me Celeste." The air seemed to thicken inside the gambler's lungs. "I'm well aware." She was foolish to believe she could get away with lying so obviously. Kyoko Kirigiri wasn't like other people, she was far more...perceptive. She was the first person that had ever seen so clearly through her lies.

It was unnerving.

"Now, what's wrong?" There was no movement other than the sloshing of tea as Celeste twirled the teacup around mindlessly. "I'd rather not touch on's been a long night." There was a look of understanding on Kyoko's face as she sighed and jumped up onto the table. If it was anyone else, they'd probably comment on the less formal action. It was pretty unlike her after all. But Celeste valued being one of two people Kyoko trusted here.

It was nice knowing she was the only person who could really see her acting as a teenager. The times she'd let her walls down and just relax were few, but treasured moments in the gambler's mind.

I'd like to see more of it, but...

She shook her head. She couldn't afford any distractions. Even if those distractions were beautiful tall women with gorgeous purple hair and a deep voice that envelopes her and god if she didn't want to just pull her down and kiss-

"You're staring."

Celeste laughed quickly and turned back to her cup, grazing the rim stiffly. "P-Pardon moi, I was simply lost in thought." Kyoko nodded, looking up at the ceiling.  "Was it a nice thought?"

The question surprised Celeste a bit, but she smiled, taking a slow sip of her drink. "Yes, I suppose it was..." She could feel herself stiffening. Of course, she didn't want to do this, she likes her time with Kyoko. It's comforting to have these moments with her, and if she did succeed and...and kill someone. She didn't want to see the look of betrayal on Kyoko's face. She wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

There was suddenly a warm pressure on her hand and she looked up. The purple hair girl had grabbed Celeste's hand somewhere during her thoughts, and pressed a quick kiss to it. "I don't know what your thinking, but I do know it's bothering you. Just forget it for now."

The gamber's eyes widened. "Kyoko..?" The hand holding her's tightened. "It's unlike me to say that, I'll admit, but you're a strong person. You know what you want and you don't waver. Whatever's bothering you, you'll sort out just fine. So for now, just let go and relax a bit with me. Okay?"

The soothing voice once again sent a wave of calmness across Celeste as Kyoko planted  another kiss on her hand. "...Thank you."

The words came out no more than a whisper, but it was enough to get them both smiling. They watched each other for a moment, analyzing their faces, almost asking a silent question. Then Kyoko was leaning down, and Celeste was guiding her closer.

The kiss was a sad one. Filled with fear and anger at the situation they were in. It took them a minute to process the amount of feelings let loose, but it was a comforting moment.

Celeste knew what she had to do. She couldn't sacrifice everything for a whimsical hope they both held. She wanted to, desperately, but she knew better. Even as the tears rolled down her cheek, and Kyoko held her tight, she knew she couldn't turn back on her plan, even for her. It went against everything the gambler worked towards to choose her, and yet she wanted to so bad.

Celeste pulled kyoko into another kiss, and she hoped her thoughts were clear. She prayed she would get across the words she wanted to say, even though there was no making up for what she was about to do. But her mind was blank, devoid of all her paranoia, only a simple phrase remaining.

I'm sorry...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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