Chapter 17:Why can't you make up your mind

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Hades gripped the arms of his throne chair so hard they crumbled. A tough feat considering they were made of diamonds. It seemed no matter what he sent after the girl and the two buffoons they won. An now he was royally pissed off. He stood in rage ready to take care of them himself when one of his servants bursted into his throne room.
"Sire" the specter called
"What!" Hades snapped
The specter though almost translucent visibly paled at Hades mood.
" I am sorry to disturb you sire but you have a visitor" he stated in a shaky voice.
" I don't care if it's Gaia herself tell them to fuck off! I have something to take care of!"
Hades began to make his way to his weapons room. The specter trailing behind him.
" I informed him of this when he arrived sire, he stated and I quote (If mister Doom and Gloom is having one of his man periods and won't listen to me perhaps his wife will)"
"Who dare speak so boldly to the king of the underworld!" Hades was already pissed and this made him burn with rage literally.
"It's your brother sire, Poseidon"
Hades had a bad relationship with his brothers, to put it lightly. The fact was he hated their guts after they tricked him into becoming the god of the dead. This was a well known fact, so if Poseidon had come to his domain it must be either a death wish or something of grave importance.
"Very well, I shall meet him in my weapons room. Inform him he has 5 minutes. That is how long it will take me to put on my armor and choose my weapon."
Hades continued to his weapons room he went straight to the main wall where his armor and vast array of weapons were housed. He picked up his chest plate when he felt the energy in the room spike.
"Hello Brother" an overly cheerful voice spoke from behind him.
Not even sparing him a glance Hades continued to get ready while getting straight to the point.
"What do you want Poseidon?, I'm a bit busy" He finished fastening his chest plate, and began on his legs.
"Yes I see" Poseidon smirked
"Going after the mixed breed I presume?" Hades stopped and turned around to actually look at his brother. He stood there cockily leaning on the door frame arms crossed across his chest. Though it didn't matter how cocky or confident he was if he tried anything he would end up floating in the river Styx,This was Hades domain and he reigned supreme.
"What do you know of the mixed breed brother?" Hades asked eyebrow raised
"Just that you wish to have her, and Zeus wishes her dead" Poseidon lifted off the door jam and began walking towards Hades. He sat in a chair at the war table. Hades followed sitting across from him. His curiosity was peaked he knew that Zeus knew of the girl but had no clue that Poseidon did as well. If he also wanted the girl this could change things he could fight off one of his brothers but not both at once.
"An what is it you wish of the girl brother?" Hades asked in an irritated voice clearly on edge.
"Easy brother I do not wish to use the girl, I wish to imprison her. We do not know the extent of her powers and I am not ready to deal with yet another power hungry tyrant ruling Olympus!" Poseidon's sea blue eyes became a storm grey at his anger.
"Ahhhh so it is a fight that your come here for then?" Hades asked eyebrow raised.
"Easy brother, I have a proposition for you, and win or lose. I will help you keep the girl from Zeus's wrath"
This was certainly interesting, In all their years of sibling rivalry never once had Poseidon taken his side over Zeus's.
"Very well, I will listen to your proposition brother but I must warn you. I am already in a foul mood so if I suspect any treachery I will not hesitate to take all my anger out on you!" Hades spoke looking his brother square in the eye.
Poseidon chuckled
"I would have it no other way brother, As you know with the girls heritage and mixed blood she has multiple soul mates. My proposal is that we add our sons to the mix as possible suitors. An should she choose one of them then that parent wins. An if she chooses neither than we can all go about our original plans"
"You've grown soft in your old age brother, you wish me to gamble the fate of the world and a possible war on a girls feelings? Besides Gaia has already given the girl the choice she chose the halfling" Hades looked at his brother in confusion.
"She did give her the choice but that was not her decision to make, you as well as I know that there are rules to be followed. You cannot mess with fate or fates in this case. I have spoken to them and they agreed with me. Well agree with the parts I divulged to them. The girl cannot chose when she has not yet met all of her potential mates. I will throw a ball as a gesture of good will towards the girl it is here we will put our plan into motion"
"And who would you have us send?"
"I will send Triton and you can send Zagreus" Hades thought about it, his son was a known womanizer and with his mothers looks he was a sure win. On the other hand even if he lost he was confident enough that he could take Poseidon with Zeus out of the picture.
"You have a deal brother, I will dispatch a harpy to give the girl an invitation" Poseidon looked at his brother is disgust.
"A harpy?, as a good will gesture for a ball in her honor. No brother I will take care of the invitation. You just have my nephew ready. And may the best man win" Poseidon held his hand out, Hades grasped his hand and they shook on what promised to be the most extraordinary ball they have ever attended.

I apologize for the super late post been going through a lot lately. I am going to try and do a double post this week. I will also be going back and editing some of the other chapters so stay tuned for that. But who is excited for the ball? Wooooohhhhhh lol

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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