Chapter Three:Colder than snowmans balls

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Nyx Pov:

I got to school early an went to the office. As my father said I would be taking my finals today. I thanked the office attendent an made my way to my locker. On the way there I got an eerie feeling like someone was staring at me, it made the skin on my arms crawl. Quickening my pace I got to my locker an placed my purse in it. While bending down someone grabbed me pulling me up with my back to there chest. My body acted on its own accord as I used my hand to grab theres and flip them to the ground. I looked down to find a very shocked looking Charlie. "Damn Nyx remind me to never surprise you again" he said sitting up rubbing his head. "Yea" Ari added in. "Sorry must be all the great things happening that has me on edge" I said voice oozing sarcasm. "Like what?" Ari asked curiously. Giving a long sigh I proceeded to tell them all thee events from yesterday leaving out the headache an my parents argument. "Wow" Ari said "Yep" I said popping the P "Well we can go to the mall after school if you want. I'll help you pick some stuff out an we can get some dairy queen" Ari said smiling. She really was a sweetheart "If it involves food you know im in" Charlie added. "Thanks guys". We agreed on a time an where we would meet an I made my way to the classroom to take my exams.

The six hours flew by though I finished in two I still had to wait for Ari an Charlie. I could have left but with these gas prices forget it. I was out by my car waiting for the final bell to ring when the feeling came back. I looked around the parking lot then to the woods that were to the right of me. I didnt see anything shrugging it off as paranoia I looked up to the sky it really was a nice day that was interupted by a low an deep growl. Slowly I turned twords the woods I still didnt see anything an I thought I was having another episode. Until I heard it again this time when the growl sounded a loud hiss escaped my lips like a cat when there scared it really creeped me out. I decided to wait inside but by the time I reached the stairs the bell had sounded and people were rushing out the door. I stepped to the side to avoid being trampled an waited there came Ari with Charlie right behind her. "Finally" I said smartly "Oh shut up its not our fault were not as smart as you" Charlie said I looked to Ari to see her stick her tongue out really mature huh. "Lets go" I huffed an walked to my car not before glancing back at the woods what the hell is happening to me.

When we got to the mall it was pretty empty. We started at Jcpenny an made our way to Dicks, Dillards, and Sears then we stopped at the food court. "Finally" Charlie said overly dramatic "I thought you two would walk forever" "Oh stop being such a baby Charles" I laughed nudging him "I told you I hate that name" he huffed crossing his arms across his chest "Whatever" I said ruffling his hair. I looked over to Ari to see her staring across the food court. I followed her eyes an immediately knew what or more like who she was looking at. He was about 6'6 black hair, black eyes an the most inviting lips I've ever seen his right eyebrow was pierced an so was his bottom lip the silver hoop gleaming as he smiled showing a perfect set of white teeth. He had on a black button up shirt with dark wash jeans an a pair of black boots. To sum it up he was mouth watering I was to busy admiring him to notice he was staring at me. "Ouch!" I said out loud as something sharp hit my side. "Snap out of it" Ari said with a serious face. I blushed an looked down that obvious huh Ari began to tug on my sleeve I didnt respond but she wouldn't stop "Ok Ari I get it Ill stop looking" "Looking at what?" my heart stopped that voice its was so beautiful musical even. I didnt even have to look up to know it belonged to him I just knew I looked up anyway an there he was smiling. He looked even better up close my mouth was so wide Im sure I looked like a fish out of water. "Oh...errrr Hi" I stuttered probably looking like a tomatoe Ari giggled an Charlie glarred "Can we help you?" Charlie asked angrily not hiding his dislike for this stranger. Whats up his ass I wondered. "Well no" he laughed at Charlie "You cant....But she can" he said looking right at me."" I stuttered god im such a loser he probably thinks im slow or something. "Yes you" he smiled "I hope you dont think im some creep or anything but I saw you from across the room an I had to know your name" he said staring into my eyes. Before I could answer Charlie started laughing we all stared at him like he was crazy then he spoke "Dude...that was the lamest pick up line ever. I mean who uses shit like that anymore what is this the 70's" he asked shaking his head " I dont think she will fall for your bullshit pick up lines so you minds well chop this one up as a loss an go try your old shit somewhere else" he said still chuckling. "Actually it wasn't a line I was being truthful an if I wanted her I wouldn't have to use a line seeing as my only compition here is you unless she bats for the other team?" he asked looking at me with raised eyebrows I quickly shook my head. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Charlie asked angrily standing up. "Exactly what it sounded like!" he replied back glarring at Charlie I could have sworn I saw flames flicker in his eyes. "Lets go" Charlie said reaching for my hand did he see it too.

As we walked past him he grabbed my arm a cold sensation shot up my arms suddenly the room was colder than snowmans balls. I looked up an locked eyes with him "Ill see you around Nyx" he said smiling an then let go I was blushing scarlett as we walked away then I thought about it I never told him my name. I dropped Ari off at her house after promising to call her. When I pulled up to Charlie's house he jumped out the car slammed the door an ran in the house. I sat there in shock seriously what the hell is his problem. The rest of the ride home was spent wondering about the stranger I met at the mall an how he knew my name. When I got home it was around seven an my mom an dads cars were gone figures I thought to myself. I went in the house and grabbed two pizza hot pockets after eating them an downing a bottle of water. I went to my room carrying the bags I got from shopping an placing them on the floor by my closet I took a quick shower an jumped in the bed. The events of today replaying in my head the creepy feeling, the growl, me hissing, the sexy stranger, an Charlie acting like he has a pineapple stuck up his ass. After recapping all of it I decided I was happy to leave because stuff around here was getting a little to weird.Right before I closed my eyes I swore I saw a shadow of a person by the foot of my bed. I rubbed my eyes an looked again nothing was there yep im losing it. Closing my eyes again until I heard a voice whisper by my ear "Goodnight beautiful". My eyes snapped open an I cut on all the lights I searched every inch of my room an found nothing. Yea I think I need to see a shrink asap I left my lights on an crawled back in my bed.Laying my head on my pillow something cold hit my cheek I reached to find a small charm like the ones on my bracelet. Except this one was of the grim.reaper the hooded skeleton with the sickle an everything. That wasnt there a minute ago It was actually kind of creepy I threw it across the room. Then I looked down at my bracelet an there it was right beside the wings.I tried as hard as I could to unclasp it but it wouldn't budge. The room got really cold I could see my breath but that didnt scare me what did was the warm breath I felt on my neck. I was to scared to scream hell I was to scared to move.The breathing got closer right by my ear " Its not nice to throw away gifts.Wouldnt want to hurt anyones feelings now would we beautiful" I screamed so loud the windows broke "Shit! You can scream" I turned around an saw a long black cloak and a sickle an I started to tremble the head whipped twords me an all I saw was black no face no nothing "to bad no one can hear you." the figure began inching closer twords me I felt dizzy. Thunder sounded outside my heart started beating wildly, As it beat the thunder seemed to match it. My head was spinning as the tall cloaked figured loomed over me right before he could grab me lightning flew in my room an struck him the figure disappeared and I fainted.

Yea its starting to get better the next chapter will be great an I swear this book wont be cliche. All original: -) let me know what you think.


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