Chapter 11:Another one bites the dus

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    The moment we entered the forest my senses went into over drive. Though it was dark I could see perfectly I could also hear better than I ever had in my life. This allowed me to notice there was something following us and whatever or whoever it was did not have pure intentions. I looked at GIA who was still smiling holding my hand as if nothing could touch her. I'm still confused about this whole goddess thing but I don't think GIA has any defensive powers. Knowing this I drew myself closer to her so we were walking side by side I wouldn't want her getting hurt. We walked for about ten minutes before we come to a clearing, in the middle of the clearing there is a giant mirror.

"Well go on check yourself out!!"
I go up to the mirror and I don't even recognize myself. I'm short this girl is at least 5'7,I have long white hair hers in the darkest black I've ever seen in my life, my eyes were a bright green hers are a silver white so light it almost looks like there is just a pupil. I step back away from the girl only to see she's followed my actions. I glance down running my hands over my body I now have a curvy figure not model thin but not chubby either.
"So this is my transformation??" I turn around to ask Gia only to see a black shadow running towards her it was so fast I'm sure she didn't hear it. I began to start running at her when this creepy smile came on her face. All of the sudden the shadow was lifted into the air hanging in a cage of what looked like Barbed vines. It began to thrash but every time it moved the cage shrank it eventually settled but not without still growling menacingly.
"Tsk tsk" Gia said waving her finger at the shadow.
"That's no way to greet your mother where are your manners"
she said in a playful tone but looking at her eyes you could tell she was pissed.
"Mother? This is your child??" I asked gesturing to the cage.
"Well I didn't push it out but it's a living being so technically... Whatever that's not the point unmask it so we can see who or what it is and why it attacked us"
She replied glaring daggers at the cage.
"And how am I supposed to do that" I scoffed
"By using your powers duh" she replied rolling her eyes.
She seemed pretty annoyed so I didn't want to ask her how I decided to wing it. Putting all the power I could muster into my voice I yelled "Show yourself!!!" Expecting by some luck it would work. But all it did was cause GIA to fall on the ground laughing and the shadow to get even more aggressive. I stared at her for a good three minutes why she lay there clutching her sides tears falling from her eyes. After her laughing fit she stood up wiping her face and looked at me. "You have to use your goddess powers it's not a spoken thing it's part of you just look into the cage" I did as I was told watching the black mass as it snarled and growled. "Good now focus on it feel your power from your core think in your mind how you want it to take shape and make it happen." I looked at the cage concentrating really hard I didn't think anything was going to happen but all of the sudden the mass took shape into a large black wolf. But unlike the ones I have seen this one had red eyes it looked blood thirsty. Seeing it's cover had been blown it began to thrash even more not caring in the least about getting injured.
"A shadow wolf" Gia sneered looking towards the woods then back at the cage.
"Where's your master?" she asked venom in her voice. When it didn't respond she began to walk towards the woods at the edge she began to chant something in a language I've never heard then she placed her palms on the ground a surge of power shot into the earth. I felt I through my feet she walked back to me never taking her eyes off the forest. It was deadly quite not a sound could be heard no wind was blowing it was dead silent. Then there was a rustling dragging noise what ever was being dragged didn't sound happy. I saw vines moving like snakes through the floor of the forest dragging several creatures much like the wolf they were coming straight for us. I began to panic
"GIA I think we should start running they are coming for us" I said in a panicked tone.
"That's what's meant to happen stop being such a pussy" she said before laughing. I looked at her with an eyebrow raised I really think she needs medication. Do they even make crazy pills for gods? From what my mother has told me they should I think some godly Prozac would work wonders. I was taken out of my thoughts by GIA's laughing fit.
"Oh come on! I said pussy as in a cat and you turn into a giant cat" she said expecting me to laugh. When I didn't she turned back to the forest. The wolves were all laying in front of us cocooned in vines. There were about 12 of them all the same size all with red eyes.
" So which one is the leader?"
"None of them these creature don't attack unless there master commands it they aren't living their created through a black magic. Now that we have them all lying here I suspect the culprit will be coming soon" she replied still staring at the forest. Clap...clap...clap wait why was someone clapping? Out of the forest walked a beautiful man he had piercing purple eyes that I could still see even though he was a good distance away, medium length blonde hair that looked like the sun shone out of his head. He was about 6'6 with a muscular frame. How do I know this because he was in a pair of boxer briefs. What the hell is going on fucking shadow wolves and some creep who gets his jolly's off by prancing naked through the woods.
"Bravo I must say I'm impressed" the nudist said stepping towards us.  GIA has the best resting bitch face I've ever seen right now.
"Who the fuck are you!" She asked face still masked folding her arms over her chest. She looked like the typical high school bully right now. I took everything in me not to laugh.
"I'm sorry how rude of me my name is Leo" he said taking a bow.
"Now that introductions are out of the way I'd appreciate it if you let my dogs go" all playfulness gone from his voice.
"Your dogs! You dare attack me boy!" If her emotions weren't showing before they sure as hell were now GIA was pissed.
"You took my fucking Mate you damn forest fairy!" He spat and began shaking.
He's a fucking shifter! I stepped in from of GIA on instinct instantly changing into my Panther. I was crouched in a protective stance in front of her. Leo changed into a giant fucking lion like a huge lion. Like the size of a fucking garage but he wasn't normal. Besides the fact that he had some sort of weird light around him he also had a constellation on his back. He stepped towards us and I let out a warning growl he stopped moving. I looked up at GIA to see she was shaking in anger.
"A fucking forest fairy! A fucking forest fairy!!" She yelled.
"You fucking kitten!" At this he snarled.
"Shut your fucking trap. You think because your a zodiac I'm supposed to be intimidate well I'm not! You have no idea what you have done or who you have fucked with Dumb boy! And as for your MATE we shall fix that now you use black magic to do your dirty work for you. You are weak and pathetic you don't deserve a mate!" She yelled still shaking. Looking up at the night sky she bellowed "Aion!!!" At the top of her lungs.
A star began to fall directly at us I tried to nudge her out the way but she grabbed me an started petting my head in a calming motion. The light from the falling star was so bright I had to shield my eyes it landed mere feet in front of us the impact shaking the earth around us. I expected a meteor but no from the crater stepped a man. A glorious man he had  beautiful light blue eyes they looked like blue led lights. Dark Raven curls an tan muscular body (once again he was only in boxers I started to say something but apparently this was normal here so who am I to judge) but he had on a cape that resembled the night sky it swirled with the stars it was breath taking. Leo bowed at the man never taking his eyes off of GIA he walked to GIA with a big grin on his face. GIA was blushing so I didn't see him as a threat and stepped out of the way changing back into human form. The man picked GIA up swinging her around in a circle before planting a big wet kiss on her lips. Leo shook his head uncomfortably I cleared my throat wanting to know who this star man was. "I'm sorry" GIA said blushing
"Nyx this is my husband Aion" she gestured to the man who was still looking at her with a goofy grin on his face.
"Pleasure to meet you I must say you have a beautiful wife" I said extending my hand to him.
"Thank you. The same could be said about you, you look even more beautiful than you did in your last life being a hybrid really suits you" he took my hand placing a kiss on my knuckles I blushed.
Leo let out a loud roar and we could see it was taking everything in him not to attack. Aion turned to Leo
"Leo Leo Leo what have you done this time" he asked grabbing the bridge of his nose.
"He" GIA gestured to Leo like he was the scum of the earth
"Tried to sic 13 shadow wolves on me for taking his mate" she said clearly annoyed. At hearing mate Leo has a smug smile on his lion face he was rather beautiful I felt a draw to him but I was fighting it. It was obvious he was an asswhole who tries to get 13 wolves to attack a girl that's just so wrong. I glared at him and he looked at me in amusement. Then he had a look of panic as he was grabbed by a furious Aion and thrown through the trees yes I said trees. Thanks to Aion's pitching arm we now had a second clearing in the woods a smart guy would have stayed down. But Leo wasn't smart he got up shaking off the branches that lay on top of him and let out a loud roar. It should have scared Aion shit it almost made me piss myself but Aion was furious. He had light glowing around his fist and began a death march toward Leo. Gia grabbed him taking his fist in her hands while turning his head toward her.
"Calm down my love I am fine" she said in a sweet voice. They were so cute, she placed a soft kiss on his lips and the light dimmed and the anger melted out of him. She must be one hell of a kisser I thought. When they pulled apart he looked back at Leo with narrowed eyes and went to speak.
" Now now" GIA chided
"I was the one attacked I think I should decide his punishment" she said looking at her husband. He smiled and gave her a small nod she walked in from of him by the opening of the new clearing looking directly at Leo.
" I have a proposition for you kitten" she smiled and Leo perked up.
"I understand the draw of the mate bond and why you did what you did however you did go about it the cowards way" she tutted.
"You are in fact one of NYX's mates" at this Leo let out a growl.
"Shut up or I'll have Aion fucking kill you now!" She yelled he quieted down but there was still murder in his eyes.
"Since you seem to be all gung-ho about fighting my proposition is this you fight one of the other mates if you win you keep your life and NYX" he purred looking towards me and I shivered perverted cat.
"But if you loose you will never again have a human form and she gets to keep your lion spirit to do with what she pleases" Leo seemed to be having a war within himself after five minutes GIA spoke again.
"Do you accept these terms?" She asked eyebrow raised Leo nodded a yes.
"NYX you have found two of your other mates Charles and Draco I believe who do you feel the strongest connection too?" She asked blushing I murmured Draco she smiled that creepy smile again
"Thought so, darling of you don't mind" she turned to her husband.
"Anything for you love" he smiled back. They are too darn cute. Aion looked at the sky muttering some more stuff in that weird language and yet another star began to fall. GIA walked back over to her husband and started kissing him I turned to look at Leo not wanting to be a pervert and he looked at me grinning which was weird a giant lion attempting to smile he looked like beast from beauty and the beast when he smiled. It was a little unnerving the star landed about three feet away from me with a lot less force. Out of the crater stepped a confused Draco he looked around until his eyes landed on me he looked confused I went to speak so happy he was alive but GIA beat me to it.
"Draco it's been ages" she smiled brightly.
"Yeah it has" he said back still looking at me confused.
" The feelings are real" she said to him
"That is NYX she has gotten her powers back well her goddess powers"
Draco beamed looking at me I blushed looking at the ground he started to come to me when Leo let out a growl of warning. A look of recognition came on his face and Draco let out a roar of his own. GIAs creepy smile was back
"I see your powers have returned along with your form" she smiled
"Apparently so" he replied not taking his eyes off of me.
Aion cleared his throat and Draco just noticing him gave a small bow. Ok what the fuck is going on here. GIA taking the hint from her husband spoke.
"Oh right to the point, A deal has been made for NYX Leo too is one of her mates but do to a previous occurrence" she said looking at the wolves.
" He is to face punishment" she said glaring at Leo.
"What deal?" Draco asked venom is his voice.
"It's simple you fight to the death for NYX the winner will have their mate bond sealed the loser is stuck in animal form to be used by NYX for whatever. You were chosen because she has the strongest connection with you" she said wiggling her eyebrows this made him smirk looking straight into my eyes he said.
"I accept" 
"Yayyyyyy!!!!" Gia squealed clapping her hands together. I'm glad she was happy because I was scared.Leo was a giant fucking lion and Draco was a fallen angel he was going to eat Draco. Going by that happy expression on his face he knew it to. Draco began marching towards Leo I went to stop him but GIA grabbed me. I began thrashing panic clear in my eyes but GIA would not let go she was looking at them with joy in her eyes.
"You have to stop them Draco is going to get killed I can't loose him again please" I begged sobbing.
"Sweetheart I could never let anything happen to Draco he's like my own son your missing something here you think Draco is an angel?" GIA asked concerned. I weakly nodded my head yes
she looked at me like a mother would her child.
"Look at his back" she said nodding at Draco. His shirt had been ripped off along with his pants giving me a look at his body I was drooling and had to force myself to focus he had a constellation tattoo on his back as well.
"He has the same tattoo as Leo is he a lion too??" I asked looking at GIA
"Oh no sweetie he's something much more powerful than Leo" she replied grinning.
"Then what is he?" I meant to ask myself but it came out of my mouth. I began to think about what I knew about astrology and mythology and it hit me at the same time GIA's eyes lit up we said it together
"A Dragon!" 
A loud roar came from behind us followed by claps from GIA.
Jumping up and down she yelled
"Another one bites the dust" fist pumping in the air.

I hope this makes up for the long wait lol all will be explained in the next authors note :) and I changed Uranus's name to Aion for obvious reasons but yay my Draco is back :) :) :) his POV will be next chapter along with the fight scene like and comment guys tell me what you think as usual it's unedited :)

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