Chapter 12:Dragons fire

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Third person POV:(before the fight)

Draco sat in the chair in bewilderment he had heard tales of human woman raping males but he thought them just that tales. Van, Gabriel and the rest of NYX's family stood there unsure of what to do they wanted to laugh but it was obvious Draco was really bothered by this. On the other hand they couldn't comfort him because he was still the "bad guy" so the room was just in an awkward silence. That was until Gabriel spoke "I must go, I have to go speak to father and ask him how NYX was placed with such a thing" he spat glaring at Draco. Draco was going to reply before he was lifted into the air by an unknown force. He began screaming his body started to ripple as his skeleton began to alter you could hear the bones breaking.
"What the hell is happening to him" Selene yelled at Gabriel.
"I'm not sure it seems to be some sort of transformation"
Draco began to thrash as scales started to form over his arms and legs.
A look of recognition passed over Vans face
"Get him outside now" he yelled.
Draco was still in the air Selene's eyes turned white and she chanted some words in her ancient tongue. They were outside in the clearing they turned to look at Van for some answers but his eyes were locked on Draco in disbelief. Draco let out and ear piercing bellow and his body began to transform his limbs turned black covered in inky scales. His face morphing lips stretching back into a terrifying grimace followed with razor sharp teeth. Wings of black and gold sprouted from his back as he continues to morph into a giant gold and black dragon. When his transformation was over he stood proud staring at them all like tiny ants he looked to the sky and let out a loud roar spewing flames. They all stared at him in awe all but Gabriel after they figured out what he was turning into he left in anger flying as fast as he could back to heaven. Draco stretched his wings towards the night sky taking steps into the forest making the ground tremble with every stride. They all knew they should stop him but were too shocked to move the dragon began to scream and faster than he had changed switched back into dracos human form. Only this time he was unconscious and naked "What the fuck just happened!" Thomas yelled looking at each of them for an answer.
"I believe we've just seen a dragon transformation" Van replied calmly like it was the most normal thing in the world.
"No shit!, but can someone explain to me how in the hell a fallen angel just turned into a fucking dragon!" Selene grabbed her husbands arm to calm him stroking it affectionately
"It all makes sense now" Marie chimed in
They all looked at her for an explanation.
"Dracos mom" she looked at them expecting them to piece it together as she had. When the didn't she gave out a sigh.
"When Leah became pregnant it was a bit of a shock not just because she was obviously pregnant with something that wasn't full angel, but also because she couldn't remember who the father was it was like the whole night was wiped from her memory. When we asked her how far along she was she was unsure she thought only a few weeks but her stomach said otherwise. He was born within three months a bit accelerated even for us. We tried to tell what he was but we couldn't figure it out our first notion was to banish her and the child. But father said to leave them be as Draco grew it was obvious whatever he was mixed with was the dominant side. He was very troublesome and always angry we tried all we could to help him but eventually he did the unthinkable and was banished" she finished with sadness in her voice.
"That's a sad story but still doesn't answer how this is possible, Even in the shifter community there are no dragons I didn't even think they were real and I've seen some shit in my day" Thomas stated.
"There is only one way he could be a dragon that's if he was a zodiac" Selene chimed in.
"But that would make his father..." The all turned to see Dracos body being lifted again this time gently. He was covered in a bright light almost like a star and shot into the sky.
"Aion" they all said at the same time looking at eachother.

Dun dun dun lol a bit of a back story kind of everything is falling into place (evil smirk) I shall do a character briefing before the next chapter because I know it's a bit confusing lol

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