Chapter Four: Strange behavior.

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Charlie Pov:

The whole ride home I had a scowl on my face stupid fallens trying to rile me up. I had the urge to beat his ass an send him back to hell but I couldn't without exposing myself.When we got to my house I jumped out the car and slammed the door. I hated leaving Nyx like that but I was so angry the nerve of one of them so openly walking up to her. An she obviously liked him an that made it worst. He's a fallen angel corrupter of good an he has his sights on her. When I got in the house I screamed unleashing the built up energy making everything in front of me explode. I have to protect her but in order to do that I have to tell her what I am an that isnt easy. I mean how do you tell someone your a witch well warlock in my case. Just go up to her an say "Oh hey Nyx you coming to the game on Sunday you are great oh by the way im a witch your ok with that right? Cool" Stupid Stupid Stupid. I waved my hands an everything mended itself an went back to its place being a warlock had its perks. I went to my parents study an checked my families book of shadows there has to be a way of watching her without her knowing. After flipping through a few pages I found it the galaxy rings. There two rings that contain the galaxy stone which as the name implies. Are two gems that look like they have the milky way trapped in the center.And there easy to use all I have to do is wear one she wears the other and I can check on her whenever without her knowing or seeing. They also allow me to feel her emotions so ill know when something happens. Ive been on edge since school when I sensed a wearwolf in the woods an not just any wolf an alpha.That incident at the mall was just the icing on the fucking cake. The rings will work perfectly an there easy to conjure since there like a witches wedding ring. They work both ways but you have to be of the magical world to use them. An its the perfect gift her party tomorrow. Smiling to myself I shut the book an teleported to my bed I congured up the rings and a Gucci handbag an wrapped them. Then closed my eyes an went to sleep tomorrow Ill solve the problem an I still get to keep my Nyx.

Nyx Pov:

When I awoke my vision was blurry an my head was pounding. I've never drank but I bet this is how a hangover feels. Slowly sitting up I began to feel dizzy an I let out a groan. Immediately I heard my mothers voice filled with concern. "Nyx, sweetie can you hear me? Are you ok? What happened?" "Geez mom one question at a time please" I said wincing my head was killing me "Here drink this it will help" my dad said handing me a cup of water. I grabbed it an greedily drank it down it tasted a little funny but I dismissed it as a side effect of fainting. After I finished I handed the cup back to my dad an my vision started to come back. I looked aroud my room an everything looked normal except my window it was completely gone. No glass no wood just a hole in the house. "Well are you going to tell us what happened?" my mother questioned again impatiently. An how exactly would I do that?Where should I start? An how do I put this without getting shipped to the Looney bin? Though at this point thats probably the safest place for me. I looked at my mom then my dad both there faces showed they were worried. "Okay before I start explaining I promise Im not on drugs or anything an I wasnt seeing things everything I say is true" I looked to both of them "Okay" they said together.

Taking in a deep breath I told them everything about school about the growl I heard.The weird way Charlies been acting since the mall the sexy stranger leaving out the sexy part of course. An lastly the creep in the cloak with the sicle an the bolt of lightning. Alot of expressions passed over my parents faces but none were of shock. Most were anger an when I got to the lightning my moms face was downright murderous. "Shit!" my mom said standing up pacing the floor angrily. "Calm down Selene, We knew this day would come sooner or later, We will just have to leave tonight" my dad said trying to reassure my mom. "Wait until I get my hands in him Im gonna rip him appart!" she growled her eyes turning yellow. My dad saw her eyes an rushed to her "Calm down hunny Nyx is in the room an you dont want to scare her" he said looking into her eyes. My mom closed her eyes a took a few deep breathes she opened them an they were back to normal. What the fuck is going on?. "Nyx get packed were leaving" my dad said ushering my mother out of the room. "But what about my party? Whats wrong with mom? Who was that man? Whats wrong with me?" the questions just kept on coming. "We will explain when we get to your grandparents house, Please just do as I say we need to leave in a hour. An Charlie an Damaris stopped by already we told them you werent feeling well. They left your gifts here an want you to call them when your feeling better." then he left closing my door. Theres far to much shit going on an I have a feeling when the questions are answered I wont like it. I got up an grabbed my bags off the floor an tossed everything into my suitcase. Then I took a shower an got startes on my hair.After flat ironing my hair I put that in along with my toiletries then closed it. I put on a pair of yoga pants an a black shirt grabbed my phone an suitcase an went downstairs. On the kitchen table were three wrapped boxes an a cards I opened the first box it was purple an there was a camera. Opening the card it read "This is so you can take lots of pics of your grandparents so youll remember them when you get back. Love Ari p.s you better call when you get there too". I laughed reading the last part picturing her serious face. I put down her card an grabbed the largest box it was blue an Ari's was purple. Must be Charlie's I tore open the paper an the box to find a multi color Gucci handbag. This is too much I cant accept this Ill return it to him when I get back. I picked up the second velvet box it was small an black with a red bow jewelry without a doubt. I opened it an saw the most beautiful ring I had ever layed eyes on. The gem looked like a galaxy purples, blues, an pinks with little white specks of light. All swirled around the center of a black diamond I was speechless Charlie really out did himself. I slipped it on my ring finger on my right hand an it began to glow. A feeling of sadness washed over me I dont know why but suddenly I was sad an really worried. I walked slowly to the living room an flopped on the couch. Picking up my phone I sent a message to Charlie and Ari "Hey guys Im feeling much better I would invite you over but im leaving in like twenty minutes call you when I land. Nyx" I pushed send an leaned my head back closing my eyes. About five minutes later I felt happiness wash over me then my phone beeped alerting me of a text. "Thank god, I was so worried an you better remember to call Love You!!!!!" It was from Ari. The second beep alerted me of Charlies message "Glad to know youll live. :-) have fun but not to much fun I dont wanna be an uncle :-P" I giggled Charlie is crazy he knows im a vir.... "Okay sweetie time to go" my mom called from the hallway."Coming" I yelled an grabbed the new Gucci bag shoving my new camera an cell phone in it. I was still going to give it back after all it was too expensive but who says I cant enjoy it for a while. Smiling I made my way to the front door bag over my arm suitcase wheeling behind me. I was the last one out so I locked the door an joined my.parents in the taxi. Here we go I thought to myself becoming nervous I hope they like me.

Okay so this is a filler chapter next chapter is where the action starts. As I said before I would appreciate any feedback. An who can guess why her moms mad about the lighting any thoughts?


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