"You're really a great friend!"I fell silent. I know I can't hope for too much. I mustn't. Though I can't help but wish I can become something 'more' than a great friend. "....Yeah! Don't mention it. You're my friend, after all." I smiled at him. I can't do anything than shutting my feelings down into the depths of my heart again.
I put my hands down once I notice they don't need me pushing their back anymore to move forward.
"By the way, Tanjiro."
"Is Nezuko fine?"
"Ohh, that's good." Zenitsu smiled after hearing my answer. I don't want to be like this towards Nezuko but Nezuko, right now for a second there Big Brother is very jealous of you. Hm, why can't I just be born as a woman? But, people say being born as a man makes you stronger. People say women are weak. Should I be grateful for being born as man instead? But there are two girls who became a Hashira. Are women weak or strong??
I became confused and more confused. Rather than making myself dizzy, I should drop the thoughts and focus on the road instead.
The walk was quiet. No one talked. We just kept walking towards the exit. It's pretty awkward, not going to lie. As my mind wanders elsewhere, I notice the smell from the handkerchief was getting stronger. I was getting quite a bad feeling.
A scream broke the silence.
"Zenitsu! !"
I reached out my hand immediately, trying to grab Zenitsu who fell down to a slope but failed. "Zenitsu—" Before I know it, Zenitsu had went inside the bushes and out of my sight. Without hesitation, I follow Zenitsu carefully but quickly, sliding down the slope. Inosuke who was at first shocked at my 'idea' then followed down sliding.
Going through bush and bushes, I can finally see Zenitsu. He was lying on the ground, covered in dirt. "Zenitsu!" I shouted at him, hoping he can hear it so we can confirm he didn't faint. "Oi, Tanjiro!" Inosuke called for me. I turned around, confused. Inosuke then points to his left and I turn my eyesight there. "..Demons! Why? I thought we finished them all. So there were different hideouts?"
The sliding on the slope ended and we landed perfectly. The distance between us and Zenitsu was quite large. Can we make it? No, we will make it! "Inosuke, let's finish the demons first." I suggested the idea to him. Inosuke grins, "I don't need you to tell me that!"
"Zenitsu!"I can hear someone called out for someone. Zenitsu? Who? Is that me? Ah right, my name is Zenitsu. Who is that someone? ...Someone precious to me... Tanjiro? I opened my eyes.
"Ugh.." I grunts as I slowly sits up. My head felt itchy. When I went ahead and touch it, my hand was covered in, "BLOOD! ! MY HEAD! ! IS BLEEDING! AAAAAAHHH."
"Zenitsu! In front of you! !"
I turned to the voice and my face lit up, "Inosuke! Tanjiro! You're here!" I can feel my eyes slightly tearing up.
"In front?"
I did what Inosuke ordered and immediately froze. "GYAAAAAAAA, A DEMON!!! Eh? EEHH? I THOUGHT WE FINISHED THEM ALL?!" I was dumbfounded. I have no weapon! What should I do? I stared at the demon fearfully. What should I do? What should I do? Should I use the "climb the tree" technique??
The demon was acting weird. He just stared at me as I stared at him too. It felt like I was in a staring contest with him. Then he spoke, "You." He points his finger at me. "You smell of liquid." Huh? Liquid? Ah maybe he was talking about my hands? Like the idiot I am, I answered him, "Ah yes. I touched the liquid earlier.."
Instantly, the demon smiled cynically. Eh? Did I say something wrong? He suddenly points at me again, this time with both of his fingers. Then a small light formed, it slowly grows bigger. Eh? I was so confused, I didn't know what to do so I just stared.
"Zenitsu! !"
"Zenitsu! !"I looked at Tanjiro and Inosuke who are now rushing towards me then jumps at me. If I can speak truthfully, Tanjiro and Inosuke were scarier than the demon. Inosuke successfully grabbed my haori while Tanjiro grabbed my hakama. Next thing I know, the light blinded us three and when I open my eyes, I was in some kind of dark alleyway, with Tanjiro still grabbing tightly onto my hakama.
Huh?I blinks multiple times. But the scene still hadn't changed. I was staring at trees and bushes. Even though clearly, I was staring at Zenitsu who was about to get blasted off by the demon and grabbed his haori. But next thing I knew, I was staring at trees and bushes and the only thing that Zenitsu left behind was his white-triangle patterned, yellow and orange gradient haori.
Is this the demon's doing?
I glared at the demon and approaches him. I grabbed him by the collar and shouted, "Where did they go?! What did you do to them?!?" The demon didn't answer and only laughed weirdly. I got irritated. Guessing I won't get any answers from the demon sooner, I slashed his legs and arms, leaving only the head and body.
As I look at Zenitsu's haori, I frowned. Where the hell did they two go? Leaving without me.. It's not that I'll be lonely. They can't do anything if the great me, Inosuke isn't there for them! ! While looking smug and praising myself, I noticed a tied handkerchief that was dropped onto the ground and Nezuko without her box.
I stared at Nezuko and Nezuko stared back. "...Why are you here?"
Nezuko looks at me confused.
"Where's your brother?"
Nezuko shakes her head.
"You didn't go with your brother?"
Nezuko shakes her head again. This is weird. This is annoying. This is bothersome. This needs thinking but I don't like thinking. I should ask someone who maybe knows. Inside my mind was the Wisteria Family. I was about to walk back home with the chopped off demon. When I remember that the handkerchief was the objective and Nezuko was important to Tanjiro.
I picked up the handkerchief then looks at Nezuko. "You wanna come?" I ask. Nezuko stared at the ground for a while before nodding her head. Good thing it was night, I don't have to bother breaking wood and make wood planks.
• • • • •
Aaahhh I can't help but feel like they're OOC. If they actually are, sorry about that. I'm trying my best :')

Therefore, You and Me • TanZen × ZenTan | Highschool AU
Fanfiction©: @nitabiribiri on twitter THEREFORE YOU AND ME "You are my sun, my moon and all of my stars." ─────────────────── While in the middle of work, Zenitsu encountered a demon who can teleport others. Zenitsu was the next victim. Right before the demon...