Chapter 5

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I groaned throw my pen away, this is so stressful, doing her stupid home work is just driving me crazy i ran my finger through my hair then i checked the time and read 11:47 pm i need 10 min break then i will do her history homework i got up went to kitchen as i opened the fridge pulled out piece of pizza then i went to couch sat down while shoving my pizza new school is suck even billie making it worse for me, forcing me to do her homework, i sighed throw my head back why can't i just have normal life for once But it will never happen, my life is just a circle i don't know how to stop it or break it, it always circling around like there is a no ending.

"Finally!" i shouts it all finished, i had done doing her homework even my own too, now time to go to bed. I got up made my way to bathroom brushed my teeth then i changed my clothes into pyjama and throw myself on the bed pulled my sheet over to my chest, laying on your own bed its just feels like i'm in heaven.

*Buzz* *Buzz* *Buzz*

uhhh shut up i pulled the sheets over to
my head not wanting to hear my alarm.

*Buzz* *Buzz*

Fine i'm getting up i got up smashed the turn off button aggressively and stomped to the bathroom, i brushed my teeth and then splashed the water onto my face, and last i run my comb through my hair after that i went to my closet pulled out sweater pants and black hoodie then, i wore my nike air force 1.

I arrived at the kitchen still no sign of my parents guess next week again, I opened the fridge maybe i should go for apple, i'm not in the mood eating cereal today, i picked my apple and eating it as i checked the time and read 07:24 am time to go to that hell school, i took my bag threw over to my back and head outside locked my house behind me, i picked my bike started riding off.

I arrived at my school as placed my bike and head inside straight went to my locker putted some of my stuff in there and closed it

"Boo!" i heard girl voice behind me scaring the shit out of me, i jumped it was sophie

"Jesus you scared me" i said placing my hand on my chest, she laughed at my reaction

"Its not funny at all what if i get a heart attack" i said walking to my first class.

"Oh cmon, it was funny" she chuckled, i shake my head at her response

"Alright imma go, see you soon"

"Bye" i shouts as we both walked to our own class as i got in walked towards to my seat, a seat that devil herself sits, i slowly sat down trying not to disturb her having conversation with her friends.

"Aye look what we have here, billie" A red haired girl says ugh here we go again, she turned around stared into my eyes. a nervous instantly hits me.

"Well my bitch is here" she says her bitch what the kind of nickname is that?, her friends laughed

"Did you do my homework?" she asks yes i did i spend my whole time doing your stupid homework even i passed my sleep time asshole

"Y-yeah i-i did" i said, i gotta stop stuttering when i'm around her, i reached out my bag pulled her notebooks and handed it to her, she took it looked through all of them.

"Good girl" she says with sweet voice, my cheeks heat up stop blushing god i hate myself.

The bell finally ringed, i packed all my stuff headed to the door as fast as i can before she catches me but it didn't go well, she wrapped her arm around my shoulder stopping me, my whole body tensed up.

"Where think your going? mamas" she whispered into my ear, now i'm literally shaking as she leads me to bathroom pushed me inside, she closed the door behind her and locked it, i scooted back away from her don't know why did she brought me here and i thought is she going to hit me? what did do wrong?, did i made made mistake on her homework? all these questions swirls around my head.

"What are you scared of mamas" she said smirking walking towards at me slowly, now i'm pinned against the wall shaking, my arms are shaking, my whole fucking body is shaking! as she stands front of me closer, i looked down ignoring her eyes but she lifts my chin with her index finger

"Why are you so nervous babygirl?" she pouts my heart was racing and i can feel my legs are falling apart, she giggled took her index finger from my chin and stepped back i released my breath

"Hand me your phone"she said my head shoots up why is she wants my phone for? she rolled her eyes

"I wont say it again"she said getting inpatient, i quickly took my phone from my pocket and handed to her too scared to know what will she do next if i don't hand my phone, she took it and started typing something then she throw my phone back to me luckily i catches it 
"I'll text you, see ya later" with that she walked out of the bathroom leaving me confused, i looked at my phone and saw contact "Daddy" i furrowed my brow why did she leave her name contact like that, i sighed shes confusing me right now i slide my phone back to my phone head to my second period.

I had survived my math class the teacher was annoying as hell, he literally embarrassed me in front of whole class, i hate him as i finally arrived at the cafeteria. I took my tray and waited for my turn.

I picked my usual lunch as i looked around searching sophie and her friends finally, i spotted her as i walked up to her and sat down, she looked at me worried

"Dude i saw billie taking you to bathroom what happened there?" sophie asks great, now she's going to attack me with questions

"Nothing happened, she just took my phone and write down her phone number " i said shrugging, they screamed like loud enough to hear these two screams.

"Jesus can you two low down your voice" i whispered looking around.

"Anna, she's literally interested in you" sarah says, i furrowed my brow what?

"interested in me?" i questioned why would shes interested in me?

"Yes she is interested in you" sarah says with amused tone, i furrowed my brow still don't understand.

"Wait what's your sexuality?" sophie says getting curious, okey now they literally annoying me right now.

"Im straight" i replied as they eyes widen and nodded slowly leaving me confused as hell but brushed it off, all i want is to sleep.

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