Chapter 13

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I woke to bad headache, i pulled the sheets over to my head not wanting to see the red light wait?! i push the sheets and sit up looking around then instantly i got hit by red light i was in someone room okey remember anna what happened last night?, why am i here? i looked down and i was in big oversized t-shirt its really comfy to wear. I looked my left and i saw lots of necklaces, rings, chains and more i reached up to ring and looked more closer this ring looks similar

"You can have that ring if you like it"i heard familiar voice behind me making me jump. I turned around


"Oh sorry" i quickly said put the ring on the table back. She smirked walked over to me handed me, water and pill i took it

"What is this?" i asks furrowing my brow she chuckled "Don't worry i'm not going to poison you, it can stop your hangover" I nod and took the pill and drank the water too. As i hands her the bowl laid back down my head was pounding so hard

"I will bring you something to eat, you must be hungry" she said walked out of the door. I groaned this hangover killing me i shouldn't have drink too much now i know alcohol kills you so badly

After few minutes billie finally came with plate and hot tea she handed me the plate along with pork it was pancake my favorite i felt the bed dip next to me.

After i finished my pancake i changed my clothes and got up stretched my muscles

"You feeling okey?" she asks i nodded in response. There was something in my mind that kept haunting i can't remember what happened last night and how did i ended up in here i'm really anxious right now.

"Billie can i ask you something?" i said

"Yeah sure"

"What happened last night?" i asks shylyI hope its not bad she chuckled or maybe its bad oh god what can possibly i did last night, Did i stripped my clothes off in front of people or did i break someone car, or maybe i make out with billie no no

"First don't worry we didn't have sex yet" she said whispered the last word

"Second of all you were yelling in my car and you asked this "do i you have tits" and i answered yes after that you started crying because you can't see your own tits" she smirked oh shit my stupid brain what were you thinking anna, i snapped my head

"Sorry for that, i'm such an idiot person" i said feeling guilty for saying that stuff she giggled "Nah i was totally chill" i'm glad that billie didn't think i'm weird or anything.

"Thank you for taking care of me, i really appreciate it and i owe you" i said she looked up at me and smirked "No problem, I will see you soon" i nodded and took my phone and got out from her house as i turned my phone looked at screen.

5 missed calls from mom❤️

3 missed calls from dad❤️

4 missed calls from sophie

Oh shit i checked the time in my phone and read 05:27 am i'm so dead 5 missed call from mom and 3 missed call from dad most of all i'm really scared of my mom and my dad are fine but i hope they wont be at home, I quickly dialed my dad cause my dad are chill person.
(Bold are anna and Italics are her dad)




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