Maribat #7

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Ship: Jasonette

Promise me

Her side was burning with pain from last night's wound. She hadn't planned on getting hurt. It was supposed to be a quick patrol around the city to let off some steam from her system. She should have figured it wouldn't he that simple. After all, it's Gotham.

That was how she found herself in a head to head duel with a wolf. A fucking wolf. What the hell was a wolf doing in Gotham.

She had tried to dodge one of the assaults but the wolf had enhanced speed. And she was a little exhausted. The wolf's claws slashed into her side before she ended it with a fork to the eye.

Thanks a lot lucky charm.

She hadn't told anyone, wanting no one to worry over such an insignificant wound. Of course she had treated it, but still hurt like hell.

Specifically right now. She was at Wayne Manor hanging out with Jason and his brother's when the pain suddenly worsened tenth fold.

"Hey Jason. I need to use the bathroom real quick. Won't be long."

And with that she dashed off, minding the wound that she noticed was starting to bleed out again.


Jason wouldn't have been worried if not for the tone of Mari's voice. It was shaky and barely holding back the pain.

Mari had also been very pale and stiff for the whole duration of her time here. Jason had asked her but she had just brusjed it off as nothing important. It's just a stomach ache. She had said.

Looking at his brother's, he knew he hadn't just imagined the tone of her voice.

So he quickly wet to check on her in the bathroom.


She winced as she removed the bandage from the wound. Ahh shit.

It was bleeding again.

She was just about to start cleaning the wound when a knock sounded from the door.

"Mari? You good in there?" He sounded... worried.

"Y-yeah. Absolutely!"

She cursed herself for not doing a better job at hiding the pained tone.


When Mari didn't answer Jason was quick to open the door.

She cursed herself again for not remembering to lock the door. Frantically, she tried to cover the wound, but it was of no use. Jason had already seen it.

He gasped , "Why didn't you tell me? " Jason winced. The wound was worse than last night.

"I.. I didn't want to bother you... "

"Hey, your not a bother you know that? Come on, let's go get Alfred. He'll know what to do."

Jason held out a hand, waiting for her to take it.

She grabbed his hand and followed his lead towards Alfred.

"Will you promise me one thing, love?" His tone of voice hinted that he expected her to agree with him. She nodded before he continued, "Promise me you'll tell me if your hurting. I love you Mari. I would be more bothered that you hadn't told me than if you did tell me."

It took a moment for Mari to answer, taking in his words.

"I promise."

𝐦𝐥𝐛 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now