Maribat #8

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Ship: Jasonette

It's been a while, hasn't it?

The school bell had rang signalling the end of the days classes and while packing all she could think of was her bed.

Marinette hadn't gotten much sleep last night due to the fact that she was dreaming of him again.

She couldn't help it. It had been 2 years since Jason went M.I.A on her. No warning, no updates, nothing. She was devastated.

This was all running through her mind as she walked to the school exit, too caught up in her thoughts to bother with the commotion that was happening at the entrance of her school.

Probably just one of Lila's tall tales again. Ughh

Despite all these years, her class still didn't seem to have any brain cells.

But as soon as she walked through the doors, her steps stopped short.

There he was, standing there while scanning the crowd, a slight crease between his brows and a small frown on his lips. After all this time...

Whispers of "Who is he?" and "Isn't he hot?" and the like, could be heard from the crowd, everyone eyeing the young man as if ready to try their luck.

Dressed in a leather jacket and a black v-neck shirt, the young man's eyes lit up upon finding her face within the crowd.

While on the surface, she looked as if she was relaxed and composed, a storm of emotion was raging internally.

That was him,the guy she still had dreams of, the guy who disappeared, that was her best friend, her brother in anything and everything but blood.

Where has he been?

At that thought, Marinette ran straight into the open arms of Jason her brother and gave him a quick and meaningful hug. Before pulling away and slapping him, hard.

Then the tears came flowing out of both their eyes and Jason hugged Marinette once more.

"I thought I'd never see you again." Marinette said in between sobs hugging him tightly, too afraid to think that this might just be a hallucination and Jason would be gone once again.

"I'm so so sorry, pixie-pop. I wanted to see you but... " At this Mari had pulled back to look Jason in the eyes, practically compelling him to tell her. Jason never could keep any secrets from her. He never could resist those eyes that just wanted to understand. So he told her, of how he died and came back to life and all the things that had happened in his life and that he was sorry he didn't have time to come and see her.

At the end of his talk, he smiled sheepishly at Marinette and all she could say was,

"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

At that they both laughed and walked straight to the bakery, wanting to catch up on each others lives, leaving behind some really confused teenagers on what had just happened.

𝐦𝐥𝐛 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now