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Y/N's P.O.V

I'm a demon mage and we are very rare, some call me a half-blood and others don't. I'm not one to put labels on myself as I do not see the point due to the fact that I am who I am and that's all I care about. 

I'm sat in my room reading my spellbooks silently, I don't like the lessons that my mothers provides me as I have to go and test the spells out on people who haven't done anything to me or my family. I sigh and put my H/C up in a high ponytail before hearing the front door open and slam shut, "Y/N! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" My mother yells and I rush downstairs.

"Mother, you're back early..." I say when I step off the stairs and look at her to see no bags in her hand, "Everything okay?" I ask her.

"What's this I hear about another proposal you've turned down?" Mother askz stepping closer, "Do you think your father and I will put up with this rebellious stage?"

"You know just as much as I that if demons are forced to marry then there'll be no bond and that'll soon end up with a distasteful end for the demons," I tell her standing my ground, "You and father are true so why are you pushing me to someone who I won't be true with? It's not fair!"

"What? 'It's not fair?' What's fair about our life?! We are demon mage's! Nothing for us is fair Y/N! No one likes anyone who is different and that is what we are different. It's either you accept a proposal your father and I arrange or you're out," Mother sneers at me.

"You can't be serious, I can't marry someone there is no bond with!" I look at my mother and I see she is being serious.

"I'm dead serious, so leave!" She walked past me heading into the kitchen.

My eyes glow icey blue and my room starts packing up, expect for the furniture, into an enchanted box which floats to me. I watch as the box shrinks and I slide it in my bra then leave slamming the door.

I look up seeing my father walking up, he stops and looks at me, "She done it then?" He asks and walks to me.

"Kicked me out, yeah?" I tell him looking at him, "I just want what you and mother have, that so bad?"

"No it's not, but you're getting older you need to stop being picky," He kissed my head and walks inside, "Goodbye princess," He shuts the door behind him.

I sigh and the door open, I turn to see my father holding out his cloak to me, "Thank you," I take it putting it on making it shield my body, "Goodbye father," I walk down onto the demon streets.

I put up the hood as I walk through the streets, I see fights and children playing together. Nothing like that has ever happened to me being a demon mage, I'm either too powerful that people will run when I walk up or I'm too scary for children to approach me when I was a child.

The only ones who accepted me and my mother were my father and his family due to their bond. How could they ever think that I would agree to being with someone who doesn't know my power? How could they think it was right?

I was towards the forest, easiest place to escape my mother and father. I walk around the trees, "There must be someone..." I mutter as I walk and pull my hood down.

I look around and see a cave, "Not the best, but it's something," I walk towards the cave and peak inside. I see a family of demon wolves, what I think is the alpha growls at me walking towards me making sure to cover his mate and cubs.

I watch him and kneel down holding out my hands slowly letting him watch my movements. He sniffs my hands stepping closer and my eyes turns icey blue. The demon wolf looks at me and kneels resting his head on my lap, "Does this mean I can stay? I have no home," I speak to the demon wolf, "I just spoke to a creature that wouldn't understand me..."

The alpha looked at me and stood up walking behind me. He nudges me inside, "Huh?" I look at the other demon wolves making room for me. I smile and stand up walking inside.

I look at the alpha, "Hmm..."

"<Family...We will be your family...>" I heard a growl in my head and the Alpha nods indicating he just spoke to me through a different type of bond, "<Name is Adam, my wife Hime, son James and daughter Yuki>" He tells me.

"Y/N," I introduce myself with a small smile and my eyes turn back to normal.

Yuki walks to me and nudges my hand so she is resting on my lap and my hand is on her her head. James does the same on my other side.

I watch at Adam and Hime curl up together close by. Soon enough the four wolves were asleep and I was staring out to the night sky which soon helped me to drift off to a peaceful sleep.

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