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Meliodas's P.O.V

I'm sitting in my room looking out at demons being trained by my brother, Zeldris, as we came back from another mission I had to stay inside and write up my report. I walk back to my desk and sit down looking over my report as I sit in silence till there is a knock on the door. I look up, "Enter," I say and the door opens, I watch as Chandler walks in, "Chandler, what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask as I lean back into my seat.

"Master Meliodas," He says walking up to my desk, "You should be resting after that mission," He looks at me.

"You never suggested that to me before, it's always been after a mission and a good meal, get back to training," I stand up and walk around my desk to him, "What is it you're really doing here old man?" I ask standing a few feet away from him.

"There's been a rumour in one of the demon villages of a demon mage leaving their village after a disagreement with her parents," Chandler starts and I listen, "They say a demon mage is very rare and very powerful, they can be classed as halfbreeds, but there has never been any record of halfbreeds being in the realm."

"So, demon mage's are what... A type of demon?" I ask.

"In a way, yes," Chandler nods and looks at me with a small smirk, "If she has abandoned her family then we'll be able to use her and perhaps she'll be a bride for a certain Prince of Darkness," Chandler says and I roll my eyes.

"No," I say and walk back to my desk, "I admit it's interesting about her powers but if the second reason is the real reason as to why you are bringing it up then I'm not interested in any way," I sit down at my desk, "But while you're here, hand over these reports," I say handing over the sheets of papers to him, "You can go now."

"Right Master Meliodas," Chandler says and walks out of my room.

I get up and walk out to the training ground, "Brother... Lovely for you to join us," I look behind me to see Zeldris and other high classed demons. 

"Very funny brother," I roll my eyes and walk into the garden with them following behind me.

Zeldris walks  a little bit behind me but at my side, "Brother, did something happen?" Zeldris asks quietly.

I turn to him and look at the other demons, "Back off a bit, I need a word with Zeldris," I say and they nod slowing down as Zeldris and I walk together.

"What happened?" Zeldris asks.

"Chandler paid me a visit not long ago and mentioned about a demon mage leaving home then went on about having her here with being a bride for me," I tell him quietly as we walk.

"Demon mages are powerful brother, I've never heard of one leaving home without a mate before," Zeldris tells me, "So, what did you decide?"

"In short I said no," I answer as we walk, "How have the trainees been?" I ask.

"Same as usual, weak or strong," Zeldris shrugs, "Nothing much compared to when they used to be trained other than me."

"I see, anyone, standing out from the others?" I ask.

"<We will be your family>" I hear a growl in my head and stop walking, "<You can stay with us Y/N>

"No one as of yet brother," Zeldris tells me and looks at me, "Something the matter?"

"No, nothing at all," I shake my head and continue walking.


I sigh and leave my room, I haven't been able to get that voice out of my head. That growl, like a wolf but the voice of a high classed demon. I have never heard that voice before, so I know that family isn't what we are, but who was he talking to? 

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