It's Happening!!!!

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Chapter 7

Ringo's POV
I waited for George to say what he has to say.
I am not gonna lie I was excited to hear what he wanted to say.
I mean anyone could be excited if their crush wanted to say something after making out.

"Ringo...Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked nervously.
I.....I couldn't believe it...

"YESSSSSSSSS!!!" I shouted a bit too loudly.
He laughed at my actions and then kissed me on the lips once again.

Paul and John literally broke the door down which was really close to us.

"WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE?!?" Paul yelled l in a "worried mom voice".
They turned around and saw me really close to George.

"Oooooooooooooh" Paul said grabbing John and pushing him through the now broken door.

"Great these two idiots broke our door..." George said trying to fix the door.
I just laughed and helped him fix the door.
Luckily we could fix it because it wasn't that bad.

John's POV
I laughed as me and Paul went back to our room.
I can't believe we broke the door down
We walked in our room and I sat down on my bed.
Paul layed down on his bed, looking at the ceiling.
I walked over to Paul's bed and sat down on the bed.

"Macca, you alrigh'?" I asked.
He looked at me straight in the eye.

"I'm fine," He replied moving over and tapping on the empty side of the bed waiting for me to lay down next to him.
I did so.
We were laying there staring at eachother.

Until the door opened and George Martin walked in.

"Come on, boys" he said.
I looked at him in confusion.

"Where?" Paul asked him in confusion.

"Oh, don't you know..." he started, "You guys have an interview "
I shrugged and got up.
I glanced over at Paul who was now going to the bathroom, and then walk out of our room.
I completely forgot about the interviews and the concerts cause' we had some time off and those days past sadly. (Tbh I actually forgot about them )

When we arrived at the place they'll interview us we sat in this order: Paul, Me, Ringo and George.
I survived most of the interview without anyone asking me anything about my love life or something that I couldn't answer because it's too private.

"Alright last question "George Martin said.

"John..." she started.
I just looked at her waiting for her to continue.

"Can you describe your relationship with Paul?" She asked.
I looked at Paul and then back at her.

"We are just good friends " I said feeling that Paul was staring at me.

Hope you guys like it!!!❤️
I'll update tomorrow if I can!

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