Back in Liverpool 💔

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Chapter 21

George's POV
Me and Paul went back to the hotel.
We really didn't want to face 'them' but we had too, there was no other way to get our stuff.
I walked into Mine and Ringo's room but he was nowhere to be found.

I guess I'm lucky...

After gathering my stuff, I went outside to the hallway waiting for Paul.
He was taking too long so I checked if everything was all right.
I saw John on the bed, he looked really tired and he was trying to explain what happened.
I looked at the room better and I saw Ringo next to John, sleeping like a baby.

He's adorable...

He cheated, remember!

I helped Paul gather his stuff and with a little argument we left.
It was really hard to leave our lovers, well ex lovers now but we love them a lot and you know it's hard to leave your loved ones...

We had to do it!
We had no choice...

We went to the airport and left Hamburg as soon as possible.
We cried through the whole 8 hours.

Gosh I already miss him...
I wanna forgive him but I can't get myself to do it...

I remembered a memory me and Ringo shared.
It was the time we both promised each other something.
I promised him to never leave him and well now I'm breaking the promise.

I'm sorry, Ringo...

Ps. I still love you


To be continued...

Next chapter, things will be better!

Love you!❤️

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