The Getaway ✈️

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John's POV
So it has been a few days since I asked Paul to be my boyfriend and well these past few days was the best days I've ever had since my mothers death.
Brian said that we should enjoy these few weeks that we have off.
I have the perfect idea for us to do.
I'm not sure if they'll agree but I was planning us to go to another country for a holiday.
Not exactly sure what country..

Anyway I was going to my room to check if my love was awake or not.
Well surprisingly he was awake.
I jumped on the bed and started kissing his neck.
A small moan escaped his mouth.
I smiled into his neck.

"Mornin', love" I whispered into his ear.

"Good morning, Johnny," I smiled at the nickname.
I took his hand and dragged him downstairs.
Ringo and George were watching TV while cuddling.
We went to the kitchen to get food.
Even tough I can't cook good I still tried to make pancakes for Paul.

Paul's POV
I watched John trying to do pancakes for me.
It was hilarious.
But I love him for at least trying.

"Let me help you," I took an egg out of the fridge.

"No, no, no, no, no, " He ran up to me and took the egg after placing a kiss on my lips.
I smiled and sat back down watching my boyfriend again.

He was beautiful.
You gotta admit that.
I'm so lucky to have him by my side.
I don't know what I'd do if he left me.

"They are ready, I think," He said, putting a plate in front of me.
I looked at the 'pancakes'.
I don't even know if they were pancakes or not.

"What is this?" I asked laughing.

"Pancakes?" He looked down at them with sadness in his eyes.
I laughed again.
Then I stood up and hugged him.

"Thank you," I whispered into his ear.

Then I sit back down to taste these 'pancakes'.
It actually tasted like pancakes.

"IT'S SOO GOOD!" I choked.
He laughed.

"Woah, woah there don't choke!" He ran up to me, making sure I don't choke.
I laughed.

"Don't worry, I won't,"


Thank to everyone!
Love you guys 💕

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