George's plan

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Chapter 8

Paul's POV
We were all sitting in the car.
I was next to John (obviously), and Ringo was sleeping on Georges shoulder.
I was staring out the window thinking about my life and about John.
I couldn't take it out of my mind.
I looked over at John who was talking to George.
The way his lips moved though.

"Then I ran out of the store with the pack of biscuits..." George said making John giggle.
I really didn't know what they were talking about but I love how John laughs.
I think I was staring at John for waaaaay to long and now he thinks I'm a creep, great....

"Paulie, you alright?" John whispered to me.
I just nodded in response.


George's POV
I was sitting on Ringos bed who was sleeping.
Me and Ringo need to get Paul and John together...
But how?!?
Ooooh..I've got an idea..

I got up and went to John's and Paul's room.
I knocked on the door.
John opened it.

"What is it?" He asked in a grumpy voice.
I sighed.

"I need to talk to you..."
He came out of the room closing the door behind him.


"When are you and Paul gonna get together?" I asked crossing my arms.
He sighed.

"George, how many times did I tell you 'I don't think we ever will' " he said patting my back.
I just stood there thinking of what to say.

"But John...."

"No buts, "
With that he left me thinking on the corridor.

I quietly walked back to my room.
I walked over to Ringo who was sleeping peacefully on my bed.
I kissed his forehead and went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth.


I layed next to Ringo hugging him thinking about a plan that Ringo can help me with.
What if we make them hangout more and than make them somehow confess....
Or plan B, the simplest, we just push them together...?

Plan A or plan B?


Which one do you guys think?
Btw sorry if it's short...
I'll try to update tomorrow.

Happy new year ❤️🎉

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