Day 2

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Chapter 19

Paul's POV
I woke up at 6 am.
I couldn't sleep.
I had to talk to George...

I got out of bed and slowly made my way to the bathroom to change.
After changing I went to the door and slowly, quietly opened the door and left the room.
I went next door to George's and Ringo's room.
Before I could knock the door opened.
George was standing there.

"George, can we talk?" I whispered, so I wouldn't wake Ringo up.
George nodded and closed the door behind him.

We went to a little cafe near by.
Just like the good ol' days.
(AKA the first few chapters)

"What did you want to talk about?" We sat down at the back of the cafe.
I sighed.

He looked at me with a concerned look.

"What about him?"

I started to talk to him about John.
Well I had to ask him this...

"George, do you think that John is....cheating on me?" I could feel my eyes get teary.
He looked at me worryingly.

"I really don't know. Paul.."

I was honestly scared.
Well I trust John and everything but what if?
I really don't know...

Then we both went back after drinking our coffee.
When we left the little cafe it was 8 am.
John and Ringo were probably still sleeping, so we decided to go to the park.

I hope he's not...

"Can we spend the day together?" I was hoping that he would say 'yes' or 'sure'.

"Yes, but I need to call Ringo to inform him..."
I nodded.

I was fine with that...

Yes, we (George and me ) spend the day together as in two best friends hanging out.
I honestly really enjoy being around George.
He always makes some jokes, which are obviously hilarious.
He's the bestest friend anyone could ever have and I'm really glad I have him...


Hope you liked this part!

I'm not sure if I should continue this story..But I think I will!

Love you guys!💕

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