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When I got home I saw Kacchan sitting on the front porch? "Finally your here!" Did he wait this whole time for me? "Y-You waited?" He nodded his head. "...Why." I open the front door and let him in. "I'm sorry." He waited in the cold...For 6 hours just to apologize.

"Um...W-Why are you sorry?" I was making him hot chocolate, before he replied I ran upstairs and got him a blanket. "I didn't see what you wanted to do and what you didn't like. I didn't pay enough attention to realize you weren't having fun and that you felt uncomfortable....I'm sorry."

Nobody's really apologized to me about how I am. I walked to him and I hugged him. "T-Thank y-you." I wiped my eyes and had him sit down. I handed him his hot chocolate and put marshmallows in it. "I like hot chocolate." I just don't like it when it's sunny out cause what's the point.

My mom came home at 10. "I'm home-...Katsuki?" We both turn around. I forgot our moms knew each other. She ran to Kacchan hugging him. "Oh look how much of a handsome boy you are! Your all grown up!! When did you guys move back!?"

"We moved back in the beginning of this year. We live right down the street actually. And not even that it was only two months when we found out we knew each other before." I wasn't expecting him to get a long this well with my mom so we'll.

They talked for about half an hour, my mom had Kacchan call his mom so she could come over. When his mom came over my mom and his mom started screaming and hugging each other.

They were so loud Kacchan and I went upstairs. "Their so loud." I nodded my head. I had to work on my drawing. I wanted to be done and not have to stress and worry about it.

I set the sketch paper down on the desk and sit down. "Woah!" "I'm in the drawling contest and our pictures will be displayed at lunch for three weeks so people could vote on it."

"You have my vote." We heard loud laughing downstairs. We took a guess and knew they were drinking. I'm happy my mom is happy. "I have a question." I hummed in response, I was still really focused on my drawing and I'm not the best at multitasking.

"Why are you always so quiet and shy?" "...I-I don't know...That's like asking why my hair is green...I was born like that." "Fair enough." I went back to drawing. I don't want people to know I drew this. It would draw attention to me and I don't like it.

"I have another you like me." His question caused me to flinch making the pencil move across the paper messing it up. I stared at the paper in shock. I wanted to cry and get mad. It to me so long just to sketch it! I feel my face redden and my eyes water.

He jumps off my bed and hugs me. "I-It t-took me so long!" I made sure to sketch it lightly and the huge black pencil marking throws it all off! "Kacchan! I w-won't finish i-it in time!" "Yes you will, I'll help you okay." He wipes my tears away.

Our eyes interlocked with each other. I really like his eye color. It kinda Carmine redish. Just staring at him took my mind off of what just happened...


I'm so tempted to just kiss him. I've wanted for a while. How will he react though? Will he get mad? I take my chances and lean in.

𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵  𝓦𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻 🌸Where stories live. Discover now