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"Midoriya." I look up and see todoroki staring down at me. I take my earbuds out. "Y-Yes todoroki?" He sits down and stares at me. "Your hanging out with bakugo a lot." His stare is harsh, and the way he's saying things is too blunt. I nodded my head. "You aren't like him. He'll only bring you down. You both are very different people. He'll only hurt you."

I don't see why he cares? "What do you...mean?" I didn't get why he was telling me this or what he meant by 'he'll only hurt you.' "Listen. In the beginning of this year Bakugo had dated this girl. He ended up cheating on her. I know you like him and I don't want you to get hurt." After that he got up and left.

I was so confused. Kacchan cheated on someone? It makes me wonder if I would've said yes would he cheat on me? I have no right to judge him over what he did but....It still makes me feel some type of way. In the halls I heard loud cheering. It wasn't my business so I didn't check it out.

But suddenly I heard Kacchan's name. I got up and started walking to the commotion....Todoroki and Kacchan were fighting each other. Kirishima? I think his name is. He tried pulling Kacchan back. I didn't know what to do. I stared in shock at them.

Their both so scary. Two campus security guards tackled Kacchan and todoroki to the floor. Kacchan was saying streams of curse words towards todoroki. What was I even suppose to do? How did it even start?


I had found out that they were both sent home with a four day suspension. People kept pointing fingers towards me saying it was because of me. I mean I don't even know what happened myself. It was the end of school and everyone was heading out. I couldn't concentrate all day.

I was worried about Kacchan and I couldn't get him out of my head. I couldn't get what todoroki said out of my head either. When I arrived home like always it was quiet. I went up to my room and saw the hoodies Kacchan let me have. I changed out of my uniform and sat on my bed opening my laptop.

I clicked Kacchan's contact and pressed FaceTime. He picked up.

"....Are you ok?" -I

"Yeah I'll be fine." -K

"...H-How did it...start?" -I

"It's nothing." -K

"......ok." -I

"Hey listen I gotta go ok." -K

"O-Ok." -I

After that he hung up. I don't know why he was acting like that...It made me feel sad though. I reached for one of his hoodies and slid it on. I heard the front door swing open then close, I heard crying. I ran downstairs and saw my mom in years crying

"M-Mom what's wrong!?" I ran to her and she latched onto me. "I-I'm so sorry Izuku!" What is she sorry about? "I-What?" She cried and cried I didn't know what to do.

I, a boy! The only guy in my moms life. What am I suppose to do!? I sat her down and she wiped her eyes. "I-Izuku I'm p-pregnant."

I was so confused, I started to freak out too not knowing what I should do.

[6:00 am]

I had slept that whole day until 6 the next morning. I heard the downstairs door close meaning my mom just left. I grabbed my laptop and watched shows until I had to get ready.

I did my morning route and left around 8. When I got to school it was like how it use to be. Alone. Without Kacchan it was quiet and kinda boring. I still wonder why Kacchan was acting like that. It was weird.

He never acted like that before...maybe he's just tired of me? I would see why he is. I sat down and waited for the lesson to start.

[writers block to time skip (Katsuki's suspense is over making in Friday)]

I was running late, I ran to the bus and almost dropped my drawing. Luckily I made it on time. I went to the drawing room in the sophomore wing. "MIDORIYA! This is amazing! I always knew you were great but this is...I don't even know what to say!" She took the picture and kept talking about how amazing it was. "T-Thank you."

I went to 1-A and both Kacchan and todoroki were there. Kacchan had a black eyes and a bruise above his eyebrow. Todoroki didn't look any better. I didn't want to make eye contact with either of them so I quickly walked to my seat.


It was lunch time and I knew our pictures were in the cafeteria. I didn't want to sign it, it would cause to much attention to me. Kacchan didn't look or talk to me the whole day which leaves me knowing that he's tired of me.

Everytime I see Kacchan todoroki's words keep ringing through my head.


I walked in the cafeteria and saw the paintings Deku was talking about. I noticed one though. I remember seeing his sketch but that's all I saw. When I saw the finished drawing it looked incredible. Now I know why he started crying when he messed it up.

 Now I know why he started crying when he messed it up

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A/N picture...not a drawing. But it'll be a drawing for this.

He had drew three sections for the bird. I remember him telling me he was looking out the window and saw it. That's how he got the idea for this.

I haven't been talking to him lately. I just don't know how he feels right now with what icy hot just had told him. I feel ashamed kinda. I always have but knowing he knows makes me feel that way.

𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵  𝓦𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻 🌸Where stories live. Discover now