one day ✨

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He's really starting to piss me off. Why did they even bring them with us?? When he leaned in and kissed Deku I was about to loose it but Kirishima nudged me in my stomach pretty damn hard. "Calm down he's doing it on purpose." He whispered.

I don't care if he's doing it on purpose either way he's getting on my fucking nerves.


Knowing both boys I knew this was going to end bad. "Ren please stop." I begged Ren to stop. I didn't want to see them hurt each other again. "Katsuki wanna know what we did over the weekend?" He's taking it too far.

"Ren shut up." No mater how much I begged and told him to shut up he wouldn't.

The others wanted to know encouraging rens behavior. I grabbed his hand taking him out of the booth. "I fucked him last night. Bet you wanted to do it huh??" I slapped Ren, he stared at me in shock.

What's his problem?? He's only doing this to nit pick with Kacchan and I don't like it. I heard the table screech and people yelling Kacchan's name telling him to stop.

I was shoved out of the way than like last time they were fighting each other. My head hit the sharp edge of the table. I felt blood drip down my forehead. It hurt like hell but I had to focus on Kacchan and Ren.

Kirishima, and Denki pulled Kacchan back. "What the hell is your problem??" I whisper yelled towards ren.

"Bakugo you need to calm don't." They all trier calming kacchan down. "Don't fucking touch me!"

"You all need to leave before we call the police."

"No. We'll go." I apologized for what had happened. I made sure Ren was okay. When I saw Kacchan cooled off I approached him.

"Kacchan-." "Is it true. Did you have sex with him."

"Kacchan I-." "Yes or no damn nerd." I looked away nodding my head. I felt him still staring at me. I got enough courage and look at him. Tears built up in his eye. "Kacchan...I-I'm sorry. For everything." I grabbed his arm not wanting him to walk away.

He looked at me and his eyes widened. "Deku your bleeding-...Did I do that??"


I didn't mean to shove him. I was just so mad. "N-No it's okay. I'm okay. Kacchan are you okay??" Forget about me, I hurt him which is something I never wanted to do.

"Does it hurt?" "No I said I'm fine..." I stare into his eyes. I wish that asshole wasn't here. This wouldn't be happening if he wasn't here. Or if I hadn't stopped talking to him. "You know, no matter what I'll continue to love you."

His eyebrows knitted together, he placed his hand on my cheek. "I'm so sorry Kacchan." He hugged me as I hugged him back. It might be the last time I ever hug him. Or the last time we even talk again who knows. "Bakugo...We have to go."

Deku let's go of me and give me this sincere look. "Thank you Kacchan, f-for everything. You helped me a lot and I could never thank you enough for it...I-I hope you find someone who loves you a lot." He wiped his eyes and quickly left.

"I'm sorry Bakugo..." So he chose....Ren....I knew it would happen one day but that doesn't mean I was mentally prepared for it.

It hurts that he chose Ren. I loved the moments we spent together. I'll forever remember them. I leaned back with a small smirk, What a sappy love story.

After that day we cut all ties with each other going back to how it use to be. We thought I'd be better that way. I see him all the time in the halls smiling and laughing at Ren.

It hurts but I'm glad he's happy. No body talked about that day either, not even Kirishima. There's been times were we occasionally locked eyes but we quickly looked away not saying anything.

Maybe just maybe one day I'll run into him again and we can start all over...Id really like that.

𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵  𝓦𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻 🌸Where stories live. Discover now