Chapter One

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Lexa POV

When you've been alive as long as I have, you begin to sense a pattern. The change of the seasons, the months passing. At one point they all just blur together, and you no longer care what day it is. You just need to get through with little to no human interaction. Never let anyone get to close; it's better that way. You don't need to mourn them when they die, don't need to tell them why you can longer see them as the years pass by. I've been "alive" for far too long, and I've experienced the death of loved ones way too many times.

I'm 19 years old. How long have I been 19? Many, many years.

One night, only a couple of days after my 19th birthday, a gang of the Azgeda attacked me. Their leader, known only as Queen Nia had always seemed to have it out for me. I don't know what I did to anger her that night, but apparently she'd had enough. Feeling their fists, drawing so much blood, I've never been able to forget. They left me to die, alone. Until, a young girl from their gang came to my side.

"You've got so much more to live for," she said, quietly, not much more than a whisper.

As I was fading out, she gently grabbed my arm and bit me. Pain overwhelmed me; more than before.

I woke up with her by my side. She introduced herself as Ontari, a 60 year old vampire. That she gave me life, but that it was also a curse. I thanked her, after all, I was given a second chance. Ontari said it would be a challenge, and she was right. She helped me the first couple years, but having to say goodbye to my friends and family was hard. Saying goodbye to my fiancee Costia, the girl who I loved more than anything, was so much harder. However, watching them die was the hardest of all. That was when I realized that I couldn't let anyone else into my heart.

Eventually, I managed to move on. I moved away from my hometown Polis and left all memories behind. Once in a while I'd see Ontari again, but even she I had to leave. I built a new life for myself, with new friends (vampires obviously). Anya, Luna and I were a team. We travelled around the world, staying in cities for no more than a few years. The months, years, decades went by. I went through high school again and again. Then, one day everything changed. We landed in a small town called Arkadia.

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