Chapter Two

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Lexa POV

The summer, going into senior year at Arkadia High was different from any of the others I'd ever experienced. I got really sick, something that shouldn't happen when you're a vampire. I spent most of the summer in bed, watching movies and sleeping. I could tell Anya and Luna were very worried, and so was I. I wasn't supposed to feel illness. The two went to the pharmacy in hopes of finding a medication to help my human sickness. The medicine they found helped significantly, but I still wasn't feeling a hundred percent.

When I was feeling well enough, I'd go out for walks. Feeling the sun on my pale skin helped a lot. Anya, Luna and I started going out every day. Then, a week before the school year started, things managed to get even worse. I was preparing dinner for the three of us, cutting up vegetables, when I cut my finger. I didn't think it was a big deal- until I saw my blood was black, and not its normal red colour.

"Anya! Luna!" I called my friends.

"Lexa, what's up? Need help with dinner?" they came into the kitchen.

"No, I've got it. However, I'm wondering, is my blood supposed to be black?" I asked them, showing my finger.

"Um, no. That's new. Lexa, go lie down. Luna and I will finish up with dinner," Anya said guiding me to the couch.

As they finished preparing the meal, I slowly dozed off. They gave me my plate and ate in the living room where I was. We ate in silence, deep in thought about the recent development. As they cleaned up, I went upstairs into my room and put on my headphones. I couldn't think about what was happening, I stress out way too much.

I must have fallen asleep because I rolled over and the clock said 10. I had come upstairs at about 6. I silently took off my headphones and crept into the hall, heading towards the bathroom. I didn't want to wake anyone up. As I was brushing my teeth, I heard Luna and Anya talking downstairs.

"This isn't supposed to happen to her. It started when we came to this town; we need to leave." I heard Luna say.

"What if that makes her worse? We need to know what's making her vulnerable." Anya replied.

"Okay, we'll stay. However, if she isn't getting better by the end of the year, we're leaving. Deal?"


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