Chapter Seven

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Lexa POV

I was catching feelings for Clarke. I felt like I was on top of the world. I was never one to believe in love at first sight, but it was happening. My heart pounding, feeling the best I have in a long time. I grab my headphones, and put on Supercollide by Banners; a song about having love at first sight. It was one of my favourites, and I had it on repeat while I got dinner ready. I was feeling great, so I made something I bit more extravagant today. My spaghetti with homemade tomato sauce, it was originally my mother's recipe and is a favourite of Anya and Luna's. I haven't made it since before we came to Arkadia.

I see Anya and Luna enter the kitchen and I pause my music.

"Hey guys! I'm making your favourite tonight!" I say, while stirring the sauce.

"Lexa! You're feeling better! What happened?" Luna asked me.

"Um, I actually met someone today," I mention, unsure of how they'd react. I've never told them I was gay, I never saw the reason.

"Yay! Who's the lucky guy?" Luna persisted.

"Clarke, she came over after school today." I say, slowly getting afraid of what they'd say. They are some of the most important people in my life.

They laughed.

"Lexa, you're gay?" they asked.

"Yeah," I say dejected, looking down and trying not to cry.

They laugh even harder at my reaction.

"Really Lexa? It's no need to be upset."

With that I looked up. What I saw was surprising. Anya and Luna were kissing. When they broke apart, they saw the look on my face.

"Lexa, I'm surprised you didn't know Luna and I are both gay. We haven't exactly tried to hide it. Plus we've been dating for over a hundred years," Anya said.

We all burst out laughing.


Dinner was fairly quiet. Not much was needed to be said. I was deep in thought about the past few decades. How did I not realize that Anya and Luna were together? They had already known each other when they found me, living on the streets just outside my hometown Polis. I was in rough shape, so they took me in and gave me a home. Over the years I had seen some possible indications that could have resembled their affection, or just that they're really good friends. Hand holding, kisses on the cheek, cuddling during movies. It was all something that may have entailed a close friendship, but I had probably just overlooked everything.

"So this Clarke," Anya began, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Is she your mate?"

"My mate?"

"Like your soulmate. The one person you can't live without. When you're together, it's like nothing else in the world matters. You're better together than apart." Luna chimed in.

"It's possible that's why you got so sick when we first came to Arkadia, but you're okay now. Luna said that you nearly blacked out earlier in the same class as where you met Clarke for the first time. I think you two are soulmates," Anya finished.

"That makes sense, is there any way to know for sure?" I ask. I really like Clarke, and it's possible that we were meant to be.

"Check your left wrist," Luna said, as she and Anya held out their left wrists. A mark that one would assume is a birthmark was stained onto their skin. It looked to be in the shape of a tiny heart. I looked down at my wrist, and I saw the same thing. I knew it was never on my skin before the day started. It was true, she is my mate.

"Does Clarke have one as well?" I ask; she may be confused as to why it was there.

"Yes, however she can only see it when you turn her. Since only vampires have mates, she can't see it yet." Anya stated.

"No, I'm not going to turn her. I'm not going to curse her into the life that we have."

"You can't live without her."

"Then I won't."

"You're willing to give up your life for her?" Luna asked incredulously.

"Yes. She's worth it. Even though I've only known her for a day." I state.

"Now that's a soulmate. Someone you're willing to risk everything for," Anya concluded.

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