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i think the month is justtorn between two thingsthat naturally occurs

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i think the month is just
torn between two things
that naturally occurs

the kind of cold that it brings
tickles my skin
and my lips quiver
so sweet, impulsive, and bad
longing for something good girls never had

i can not tell how
destructive the sun brings
or is it desultory
or just visiting my flesh
perchance hearing the cracks he made despite
my tranquility.


today i won't be celebrating special occasions again—
whether he will knock at my door or if he decided to start singing the songs that he usually plays at refrain.
on a count of one to four
the lies he preaches shall be my religion no more.

the coldness won't pacify
my laments on wounds
he peeled
the living coal,
flying endlessly but does
not reach the infinite

the language he
thought me to be spoken of
suddenly died and ne'er
did i became fluent on it.

i think, the month is just
torn about the feelings
she suppressed
the season she used to call
home will never be a place
to harbor

prolly mad about things
she thinks naturally occurs

hot weather
and cold lips
dry faces in
pale cheeks

anything you desire won't
always be granted and
holidays are never meant
for shatter hearted.

your lonely girl,

𝒕𝒊𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒕Where stories live. Discover now