chapter one

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A/n: check out the new story I posted and am currently working on!

Today was day my life was finally going to change for the better. I was moving to the United States after living in England my whole life. One might ask the reason for this dramatic change in my life? Honestly, I don't know the answer. I guess I'm tired of being lonely and bored all the time and for some reason moving to the United States seems like the solution.

The crisp fall air hits my cheeks as I wrap my scarf tighter around my neck. I was only a few yards from the doors into the airport so I quickened my pace. I walk with my luggage to a long line I assumed was correct. I was quite unfamiliar with this process because I have never been on a plane before.

After a long wait in line, the polite lady at the desk asks me to put my luggage on a scale to be weighed. I purposely packed lightly, knowing that luggage can be expensive to take with on a plane.

Next was the part I was dreading the most: airport security check. After waiting in another line it was finally my turn.

"Please put all metal items in the tray please ma'am" said the security guard. So I followed directions and then walked through the full body scanner. Thankfully it didn't beep so I was free to wait for my plane.

I glanced down at my watch, it read 1:23. My plane left at 3:00 so I quickly did the math and realized I had time to eat before catching my flight. I walked to the pizza restaurant located to the right. I walked up to the order station and awaited some service.

The next thing I knew I came into contact with the counter, my hip hitting the edge as I practically fall to the ground. I feel a sharp pain in my hip and I know it was going to bruise.

I look behind me for the culprit and was stunned when I saw an incredibly attractive man.

"Oh I'm sorry ma'am I didn't mean to run into you," said the man that just shoved me. I quickly looked up at his face and took notice of his impeccable features. He had these wonderful green eyes, brown slightly curly hair that was pushed back and a smile that showed his dimples. He seem around the same age as me.

I quickly adverted by gaze from wonderful face and replied "Um, it's fine". He smiled again, revealing his perfectly white teeth. I literally could not look away from his face, he was very attractive.

"How about I repay you by paying for your meal?" I nodded. "But first why don't you tell me your name," the man said with a deep british accent.

"I'm Belle O'Shea," I said, sticking out my hand. He quickly shook my hand. His fingers were rough and callused and his entire hand was warm. I couldn't help but to imagine how they would feel against my cheek.

"Now you have to tell me your name."

"Now what's the fun in that, princess? Girls like a little mystery." He replied with a wink. My heart clenched at the nickname he had used for me as we were rudely interrupted.

"Are you ever going to stop flirting and order your meal? People are in line behind you!" said the employee. I looked down towards the dirty floor, my cheeks heating up with pure embarrassment. if there was one thing I hated the most in the world it was public humiliation.

Then the man replied "Calm down, she was just about to order," then he turned to me "Tell his rude employee what you want to eat and then you can wait over there and I'll get the food." I smile, nod, place my order and then walk to a two seat table.

I sat down pulling out my phone to occupy my self while waiting for my food. I looked at my phone and as usual, there were zero new messages. My family hates me, I have to friends, no boyfriend, I don't even have a friendly ex co-worker that I keep in touch with. I had no one to inform that I was moving to the United States.

I glanced up from my phone and again looked at the man that was currently waiting at the counter for the food. He was wearing a white t-shirt, black skinny jeans and a pair of brown boots. Then I finally noticed he had tattoos, mainly on his left arm. He looked kind of bad ass but hot at the same time. Then I mentally slapped myself for thinking these things about a random stranger.

He came back and we started talking the conversation flowing easily.

" So what flight are you on?" I asked.

"The 3:00 to the United States, you?"

"Before I tell you, I need to know your name."

"Ok fine, you got me. My name is Harry, Harry Styles," said Harry. The name fit his features well, especially with his glorious hair and his attractive style.

"Now that I know you name, Harry I can tell you that I'm on the same flight as you." He smiled then looked down at my food.

"You haven't even touched your food yet" Harry said. I guess I was so wrapped up in talking to him that I didn't realized I have not even started eating my food or drinking.

"Wow, I didn't even notice. Normally I eat enough food for three people".

"I know," Harry replied and I have him a puzzled look. How would he know that, we just met...

Harry read my expression then added "You seem like the type that would do that, but not in like a bad or way or anything. I promise I'm not like calling you fat or anything because your not." He seemed very flustered and I quickly started eating, trying to ignore the pit that was growing in my stomach. For some reason I had a bad feeling about Harry but I didn't know what to make of it,

I took a bite of my pizza and continued eat. A very strange felling came over me after a minute or two. I tried to reach for my drink but I couldn't grab it. My legs and arms felt like lead and I couldn't move them no matter how hard I tried. I tried to tell Harry but I really couldn't move my mouth either. I was felling nauseous and dizzy. The airport was spinning and so was Harry. Harry grabs my hand and carries me away.

The next thing I know I'm on an airplane seated next Harry, then everything was black.

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