Sara is cool

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The schools grounds were charmingly silent before the abrupt ringing of the bell.

The sun hit the building in such a way that it looked as if it was glowing. The grass was greener, the wooden benches could even somehow be called pretty.

But that was before the volcano that errupted.

"WOOHOO BITCHES IT'S SUMMER!" Nick Harlson blared out into the world, his friends laughing behind him, a feeling all of them will find to be happiness in their stomach's, when they all subconsciously realized that they never had to step foot into that building again.

Well, only when they had to come back for 6th form.

"You guys still all coming to Sara's party right?" Nick asked, his pearly white teeth gleaming against his dark skin in an unsure smile. The group all nodded and confirmed, like theyve been doing all week. He's been planning for his friends to meet his girlfriend Sara, and is kinda shitting bricks.

The anxiety some people have when they introduce their partners to their parents was stuck in his throat at the thought of his friends not liking her, he wanted them to like her. His so called 'parents' can go to hell before they meet her.

"Nick," Summer started, pulling him away from the others, "the party will all be fine. What are you afraid of?." Summer noticed the slightly scared brown eyes that Nick gave them when he talked about his girlfriend, Nick picking at his fingernails and tugging at the back of his head. Summer always noticed.

"Oh uh, it's nothing. I'm just overthinking everything." Nick laughed it off. Like he always did. He didn't want Summer to worry like he always did.

"Um well you can overthink it some other time, because WE. ARE. FREE!!" Summer blared much like he did, the group shouting at him to shut the fuck up because we're in a quiet neighbourhood now Summer!

But it made Nick smile, and thats what his goal was.

The way to Nick's house, which was that empty that dust was accumulating, the group all discussed their visions of the future, what they all would hope to be doing, most of their dreams included eachother.

This groups of people, have been together since the start of secondary school. They started it together and ended it together, even through the phases and experiments and struggles they all were trying out through the years.

Like when Holly started doing makeup, clumpy mascara and wonky eyeliner. When Danielle started wearing long sleeves again, and Summer gave her all the help and love she deserved. And when Jack started acting like an absolute dickhead.

They all pushed through and helped eachother and now here they are. Walking out together.

Standing in front of Sara's door the next day was harder that Summer thought. His own anxieties about the night occurred here and there, but his medicated brain blocked them, and let him be happy.

All happy and sunny, like they all thought he always was.

The smooth door opened to reveal a small, big eyed girl with black hair down to her waist, wearing a tight skirt that bound her big hips to the point it almost hurt, heels on legs that Jessica rabbit would be jealous of, and a smile.

Her eyes widened in realisation, the smile instantly steching over her face. Sara was waiting patiently for their arrival, secretly thinking about all the things she should say, or do.

She comforted Nick when he talked about his worries about the party, but she hid her own thoughts as to not make her boyfriend even more worried. Sara loved him, she had yet to tell him, but all in good time.

"Hi!! Oh my god hello! Come inside!" Sara greeted, the lump of exitement and nerves in her chest rolling tight.

She gave Nick a kiss and grasped his shoulder, smiling up at him. She was happy for them, this would all turn out fine. Sara also tried to drill into Nick's head that he shouldn't be so worried about this, they're his friends.

They'll always be his friends.

Jack's eyes wandered around the room silently, hands in his jean pockets.

"Your house is so nice!" Holly said, the awkwardness of meeting someone new getting to everyone.

A silence fell over the group as they all looked around the corridor where they stood, the sleek and modern look of the house was somehow cozy.

Maybe it was because of the amount of family photos on the cream walls, all the horrible drawings and magnets they could see on the fridge in the kitchen.

"Oh, thank you! Hey, why don't you all go to the living room and choose some music while I get all the things ready, in the kitchen?" Sara said, rushing off into the counter and collecting the alcohol that everyone that's coming will destroy.

When they were all in the large living room, Nick was was the first to speak.

"So," he pauses. "You guys think she's nice?"

Danielle was the next to speak, which didn't happen often "Nick. She's lovely." She gave him a smile, he needed the reassurance of their thoughts.

Danielle hated to see Nick's usual cool and breezy attitude to life blown away by something that would ultimately be fine at the end. She knew how it felt, the relief and then then the confusion about why would she even be so hung up about this in the first place.

"Yeah! And did you guys see her heels? Holy fuck I thought I blacked out because of those legs," Holly said, waving her hand to cool her face, receiving a furrowed brow but a smile from Nick.

"Get your own Holly!"

"I'm fucking trying, Nick! It's a little difficult when you live in a shitty little town like this." Holly tried not to look at Danielle, fingers flicking her blonde hair onto her back.

"What d'you guys pick?" Sara entered the room with a two bottles in her hands, placing them on the coffee table. She didn't notice Holly secretly winking at Nick, making a 'get in there!' expression.

"We haven't found anything yet, but what do you think about artic monkeys?" Summer interviewed, hands in his pocket fishing out his phone.

"Oh fuck yes that's what I think." Sara said , and thats all they needed.

Sara was cool.

Throughout the night, people they didn't know and people they did know began to trickle into the house, music got louder and actions got hazier.

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