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"What should I fucking do?" Summer flung himself onto his soft bed and rubbed his face with his hands.

Nick just stared at him with his arms crossed until he started to laugh. The things he must have going through his head right now...

"What? Why are you laughing at me?" Offended, Summer was plain offended.

He had just told his best friend that he might, might, have the tiniest crush on his girlfriend's brother and all he does is laugh?

What the hell.

"Dude," Nick closes his eyes, sitting down on the bed, "my brother, best friend since what," Nick looked up to think, "a decade, almost? Woah, thats trippy." Summer agreed.

"Anyways, off topic," Nick put both of his hands on Summer's shoulders, who was now sitting up.

"If you like someone, you cant contol it. You can only accept and move on. If you want to do anything with those feelings you can. But you dont have to."

"That was wise, man." Summer replied, astonished. He didnt know his best friend was a grandad. Nick always seemed to surprise him.

"If you think that then listen to me." Nick replied, and stood up to get ready to leave.

They said their goodbyes and when the front door closed infront of Summer his hands felt numb.

If you want to do anything with those feelings, you can.

But what does he do when he dosnt know if he wants to do anyhing with those feelings?

The times that him and Tommy hung out he probably felt the happiest, calmest he ever did. It kind of frustrated him a little. How could someone you just met make you feel so strongly?

It was like runnig water, gilling up your whole body and you didnt know what to do with it.

He needed to figure it out before he drowned.


"Oh my god i totally see it." Sara says, looking ahead at Tommy's wall as if it was heaven.

"Youre not helping." Tommy was blushing like crazy, regretting ever telling his sister about him 'taking a liking' towards Summer.

He wanted to fucking die. With Sara's shrieks and gasps you woulve thought someone got married.

Tommy didnt know how this happened. He was just thinking about Summer and his pretty smile and all of a sudden his siter was staring at him, mouth agape.

"You want me to tell him? Shall I make it a double date?" She was going off on a tangent and couldnt be brought down to earth if she went too far, therefore Tommy's screaming was totally justified.

Their paretns were out, so it was fine.

"No! Dont you fucking dare even think about it!" His face was covered in regret and caution, his hands almost in mouth wanting to chew his fingers off.

Saras empty hands went up to her chest, her face faking innocence.

"The thing about you is that you would actually do it, and thats something I both admire and hate about you." Tommy flopped down onto his bed, hating his life right now. All he wanted to do was go back to when nobody knew. He couldve just gotten over it and stayed his normal, not-flustered self.

It would've been better for everyone.

The fact that Summer is a boy, also didnt help.

He was also a boy. He was meant to be a man, and yet his fucking brain decided to go against every plan he ever made and sent him falling into hell.

Tommy knew it was okay for boys to like boys, and for girls to like girls, and for everyone to like whoever they wanted to, but for himself to like another boy was like him slapping his father in the face.

All Tommy truly wanted was to live out the most simple life he could. Get a job, move out, sell his drawings, get a dog, go to the cafe sometimes.

Liking people just made things complicated.

Especially if he liked Summer.

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