Red Lipstick

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"Holly! Fuck me, if that was boiling, you'd be dead!" Jack flung his musclely hands up after Holly spilt her luke-warm tea all over his shirt.

"As If. Pussy. Sorry by the way- I tripped over my bag." Holly laughed, kicking her bag she just tripped on further into the edge of the couch.

Right now, the whole gang was a Nick's house, having a sleepover the day before they start their journey to Scotland.

"Do you think we'll see goats? I so wanna see goats." Summer said to Tommy, who was busy doodling in his sketchbook and trying not to think about Summer's thigh that was pressed up to his.

With all the space on the couch, he was considering moving away from Summer to save himself a panic attack.

But at the same time he didnt.

"We should pass some hillsides. I dont know really, this is my first road trip." Tommy said, distractidly.

"Really? I used to go on road trips all the time when I was in primary." Summer had a good childhood, he had his swings, road trips, slides and ice cream covered mouths.

He wished he could go back.

"Where did you go?" Tommy asked, closing his sketchbook and leaning towards Summer a little.

His eyes are so big, Summer thought.

"Wales. Scotland. Ireland. All over Britain, really." He smiled with his glittering eyes. "I know some cool places I want to show you."

Tommy's cheeks flustered up with a light pink after Summer just blatently told him that he wants to show him.

He wants to.

Tommy's thoughts instantly told him it was because Summer liked him back. Of course he did, he looked at him with a mischievious glint in his eyes and smiled at him with his gummy teeth. His arm was always around his shoulders, his thigh touching his.

However Tommy wacked that thought down like wack a mole, it was just his love-filled brain making stupid ideas that would only put a hole in his heart.

Stupid brain.

"Theres like, a thousand beaches in scotland. And it would probably be cold but oh well, we will be going skinny dipping! Its on my bucket list!" Summer stated to the whole group, who all gasped in exitement whilst Tommy paled.

He couldnt refuse to do it. They'd all think that he was a downer. They already think of him like a kid, even though he's the same age as them. Jack especially. He kept ruining his hair. It was messy already, but it hurt Tommy's ego.

"I have an idea!" Holly had a light bulb above her head, shiny eyes moving to across the room where Danielle sat, watching the movie.

"We could do all our makeup!"

"Yesss!!!" Sara replied, with Nick laughing beside her. Danielle looked up, eyes connecting to Holly's.

It was like Holly was trying to get her to reply faster. She already knew her answer, but she was so scared.

Danielle kept thinking that this was all a joke. Something she had came up with the others and it went too far, and she was just a great actor. She wanted to just go right up to her and steal a kiss, but eveytime she took a step, she thoght of the laughs. All the laughs.

She wants to be Holly's girlfriend. She wants, she wants, she wants.

Holly sighed.

"Oh my god, I want the red lipstick!" Jack exclaimes.

Tommy's eyebrows shoot up. Jack? He had all thise muscles and such a mean face, and he wants the red lipstick? If he wanted red lipstick, his father would hit his lips until it would look like a clowns mouth.

Summer was doing it, Nick was doing it. Tommy sat on the couch for the past half hour, watching the girls squeal as the boys pulled their eye to do the liner, slapping hands.

He clenched his hands. It looked like fun, and it would only be for today.

He could just wipe it off straight after.

He made the desicion to slide down from the couch onto the floor where everybody was, and sat until he was noticed.

Holly saw him instantly, smiling widely with her long, thick eyeliner, blush on her cheekbones and glittery red eyeshadow.

"Can I do your makeup, Tommy?" She asked politely, hands joining into a pleading position.

Tommy grinned, nodding.

The brush was so soft.

"Right look up." Holly whispered after a while of giggles and oop's.

"Ow!" Tommy screeched, trying not to embarass himself any further by fucking crying because of a mascara.


Summer had just looked up, and was staring at Tommy.

When he opened his eyes, they looked so dark. So deep, but filled-to the brim.

And his lips, oh god his lips. They were so red they put blood to shame.

Summer was doomed. One second he was fine, having fun drawing fake freckles on his cheeks, but then he looked up and saw the walking dream that was Tommy, grateful that he was sitting becaue he would've collapsed.

"That looks so good.." Summer was flabbergasted. He's never seen makeup look that good on someone.

With Tommy's high cheekbones, the blush (makeup and a rush of blood) made him ethereal. Summer couldnt stop staring.

It made Tommy feel like he was on cloud 9, and yet he wanted him to look away. He was meant to be a man, and here he was putting makeup on.

Tommy instantly regretted it when the others joined in on the complementing. He should look good in makeup, he was a boy.

"You alright Tom?" Sara asked afyer seeing the face on Tommy.

We all have a face. A face that floods others with everything we're thinking and every emotion we are feeling. Its only when we know someone is looking, some can hide it. Others, like Tommy, can't.

Everything was out there in the open. Sara knew and recognised his face because he was her brother - she knew everything about him.

"Yeah, yeah. Im good." Tommy muttered. He wanted to wipe the red lipstick off.

"Tommy. You know you can wear makeup right?" He heard Holly whisper.

"Even if its just for fun. Even if you want to wear it out. Its fine." Holly carried on, after putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

It was like she knew exactly what to say. Deep down he knows it, he knows that its fine.

"You dont have to do everything for other people and then nothing for yourself."

Yeah. Yeah.

Holly is definitely psychic, Tommy thought, looking back at it.

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