Spare Pizza

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Sara had her back laying on Nick's chest, reading a novel through her rosy sunglasses. Nick had his head on his girlfriend's  (practically wife's) shoulder, reading along with her, a laugh occasionally bubbling from his throat when he noticed their friends being idiots.

They finally got to their first beach in Scotland, and Summer had already pointed out a thousand landmarks and shit they all do.

Tommy also blushed with the thousand secret kisses, unnoticed hand brushes and silent looks that said to meet me in the bathroom or all the times Summer had splashed him with salty water, for which he definitely got his payback by pushing Summer's  head underwater.

Tommy always wanted to kiss Summer, ever since the time he called him darling in the ice cream parlour and even more when he called him darling under the stars last night but right now this was an overload.

He didn't want to do anything but lay on a couch with Summer, covered in blankets and kiss him senseless. To be fair, Summer is already making him senseless with his stupid, cute cupids bow-

"Tommy! Watch out!" He heard from Holly before he got launched into the sea by a slightly tipsy Jack.

Stupid cute cupids bow.

When Tommy resurfaced, his hair was all over his face, pushing it back with a wet hand to show Jack his glare.

"You little bitch." He said as Jack laughed.

Tommy unstuck his shirt from his body, dragging his legs through the waves to get back to the shore. He needed to put more sun cream on.

He met the relaxed couple near the towels, and he was happy as he watched them.

Whenever you'd look at people in love, loving eachother and you don't feel loved, you get sad. Even angry sometimes. Tommy felt like it wasn't real.

But now it wasn't like that. He looked at Nick and Sara and was only reminded of Summer, and Summer always made him feel loved.

It's only been 5 days since the kiss under the stars, and all the group did was ruin their hotel rooms.

It was quite awkward though. For Holly and Danielle.

Nick rented out three rooms, one for Nick, Sara and Jack, one for Summer and Tommy, and one for Holly and Danielle.

Nobody knew about their argument other than Tommy and Sara, so they couldn't exactly outright say that one of them dosnt want to share a room with the other.

However, the first night wasn't that bad. Holly seemed to be on civil terms with Danielle, and she wondered if maybe this was the time where Danielle could finally confess.

But as the days passed by, it seemed to be getting more and more difficult.

After their day in the beach was over, they went back to their rooms to get changed into their pyjamas before meeting everybody in Nick and Sara's room for pizza.

Holly opened the door, her hair dryer than ever because of the salty sea. All she had on was her pink bikini and a sheer, white t-shirt which stuck to her skin like glue. Danielle couldn't take her eyes off of her.

She kicked off her sandals, murdering something about going to wash her feet from the sand.

As Danielle watched Holly lock the bathroom door, she took the opportunity to get changed before Holly came back. She still remembers that night.

The night where this all started - well it all started when Danielle started liking Holly, but- the night where she and Holly had sex.

Amazing, passionate, overbearing sex. No other way around it.

She could practically feel Holly's hands on her waist, pinning her down whilst she-

Holly opened the door to find a distracted Danielle, looking at the floor dressed in her adorable Disney princess pyjamas.

Holly sighed. Seeing as he was distracted, Holly thought. Might as well get changed.

Holly kept as eye on Danielle, taking her shirt over her head, revealing her lush waist and pierced belly button to Danielle. As she walked over to her suitcase to get her pyjamas, she didnt notice that Danielle had her eyes on her tanned back, staring at the deep line drawn down it.

When they both made contact with their eyes, Danielle filled with terror and Holly's empty, Holly nearly scoffed.

She remembers the phone call she had with Sara and what Tommy said, but she wanted to hear the words come from Danielle's pretty mouth.

Holly turned around and sighed again.

"Help me with my bra." She simply said. "Please."

Danielle stood up from the bed, tucking her long hair behind her ear, mind whirling. Her eyes had complete tunnel vision, only focused on Holly and yet her head felt heavy.

She reached her hands up and unclipped her bra, cold fingers brushing against warm skin.

It was fine, until her feet felt like they were stuck to the ground.

As Holly turned around, her hands still on her chest, keeping her bra there, she looked angry. It made Danielle angry too, at herself.

Why can't she just say it?

"Holly," She started, voice so quite so that only she could hear in the empty room.

Holly only looked at Danielle, waiting.

"I.." Danielle looked into her blue blue eyes. Eyes that cut into her soul, sharp as a blade at that moment.

Danielle gulped.

"I love you."


Danielle almost regretted it before Holly dropped her hands from her chest and grabbed her into a hug, forehead resting on Danielle's shoulder. All Holly was thinking was "Finally." She said.

She could feel the grin on Holly's face as she kissed her neck, quickly kissing up to her mouth where she paused to look at Danielle in the eye.

"I love you too." She said before their lips collided, no trace of sharpness in her eyes, as if it was never there.

Holly poured all her love into that kiss, nearly pushing Danielle down with her lips.

She wanted to kiss her forever.

They denied pizza that evening.

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