Up Your Rectum

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During the quest to find ice cream, Summer needed to stay alone with his confusing thoughts. Excusing himself with leading the direction, he walked ahead of the couple, and the boy who was ruining his mind.

Every single interaction they've had, it's been awkward and hesitant, and he probably instantly regretted and pondered over every word he said to Tommy, thinking of better phrases instead of the ones he said and can't take back.

But why?

Summer can't get to wrap his head around the fact he could have some feelings for the guy. It was just a crush, an infatuation. It'd probably blow over with fleeting time, and he's going to forget about it soon enough.

But it still didn't make the pulling of awkwardness in his stomach any better. It didn't help that Tommy was fucking gorgeous.

The way Tommy played with his hoodie sleeves and bit his chapped, pink bottom lip made Summer's head whirl. He wanted to hold him, just touch him.

But he cant, he can't. It's too soon to start wanting things and waiting for them. He's always anticipating their next meeting, even if he knows it would be wrong, and probably uncomfortable for Tommy. He couldn't help but want it.

"We're finally fucking here, people!" Summer exclaimed in a much more relaxed voice than he was feeling. He couldn't help but worry if anyone would notice it was forced.

Once gaining their ice cream cones and cups, they all headed to a booth.

Of course, Sara and Nick sat together on one side, leaving Summer and Tommy to stumble with letting the other to go ahead, which ended up with Summer grasping Tommy by the shoulders and physically moving him to sit down to stop the ball dancing.

It left them both looking away from each other with blood rushing to their faces, making their heads feel floaty.

"I'm gonna go uh, napkins." Summer announched, leaving the booth.

Sara looked at Summer's back worryingly. "IS he alright, Tommy? What did you talk about when we were... Um..." Nick gave her a cheeky smile, and Sara rolled her eyes at the dorkiness. "Making tea?"

Tommy's eyes instantly widened, thinking back to the living room. He was proud of his courage to step up and apologise, and yet he kept thinking about how Summer called him darling.

The word was stuck in his head. Darling.

Darling, darling, darling.

"We were just, you know..." Tommy ate a spoonful of his cherry icecream. "Introducing ourselves." He couldn't help but think back to when they actually introduced themselves to eachother.

God, the pillows still somehow have his smell left in them.

Is it bad he kind of liked it? Just a little.

"I don't know why he's acting so awkward, he's usually really cool." Nick added, licking his own ice cream.

"I know right? Like, everytime he's around Tommy he's just," Sara made a face that portrayed everything Nick was thinking, her eyes shot to the side and widened, her eyebrows rose and conveyed the perfect face of awkwardness.

"Yeah! Exactly!" Nick's eyes bunched up at the sides. He couldn't tell obviously, but Sara was looking at him in a way that made Tommy's heart hurt.

She really does love him.

When Nick sobered down, his eyes met Sara's, the summer sun hitting straight into his dark brown eyes, turning them to lava. Sara sighed. She loved this nerd so much.

"Should I talk to him about it?" Nick asks.

Tommy himself let out a little chuckle at Sara. "But what it he just," Tommy made a forward movement with his arms, nearly knocking his ice cream cup down "stops?"

"Yeah but I'd wanna talk to him before he just get tok awkward, you know?" Nick replied, twisting his ice cream cone in his hands.

"Yeah I guess. You gonna do it now?" Sara asks. Nick nods his head, his shoulder length braids falling onto his pretty face.

Tommy's brain slowly processed what Sara said, thinking about it, analysing it. Around Tommy? What's that supposed to mean? Does he actually hate him, and was just keeping appearances for Nick and Sara's sake?

It didn't seem it back in in the living room, but he guessed that's why they're called appearances.

"Wait, what did you mean by 'around Tommy', how does he act without me?" Tommy blurted out without thinking about it first, he really just wanted to know. No matter if it hurt his head afterwards, as least his head would feel satisfied with knowledge.

Sara started, "Like, he always makes stupid comments on whatever movie we're all watching or something, is just a general crackhead really."

"And with you he's just like," Nick ended, and pointed to Sara, who was doing the awkwardness face again, making Nick burst out laughing again.

"He just sits there." Sara adds, worry starting to come up on her face.

"What's that supposed to mean? Does he not like me?" Tommy questioned, his heart dropping to his stomach. It felt common, but unneeded. Why does he care so goddamn much?

"No, No he likes you. He always asks how you are everytime he comes by, and I don't think he'd do that if he didn't like you." Nick quickly bashed down the worry in Tommy's brain, which was now occupied by a new thought. A thought that made his ears flush red against his black hair.

He asks how I am?

"Its just that, when you are around he acts like you don't exist." Sara said.

No, Tommy thought. I act like he dosnt exist.

"It was probably because we didn't introduce ourselves until today," lies, "that's probably why he's been so awkward around me. He'll probably stop soon."

"Yeah he probably will now that you've said that. Let's wait a few days until he talk to him about it. If it actually carries on, anyways." Sara quickly ended the conversation, noticing Summer walking back with a stack of napkins that they didn't need.

"Sup dildos." Summer said giving them all a wide smile, sitting down next to Tommy on the red booth seat.

A spell of silence came over all four of them as they just sat and ate ice cream, not regretting Summer's decision to go get ice cream, because he was right. It did make this day a whole lot better.

"So," Summer started, sick of the silence already.

"I got coconut and chocolate." Sara said, biting into her ice cream, Nick then giving her a scowl afterwards.

"Oh my god you better know the coconut song." Summer grinned, expecting to burst into a musical any moment now.

"What?" Sara and Nick said at the exact time, so Summer turned to Tommy, hope in his eyes.

"I-I know it." Tommy uttered almost silently. But Summer heard, and beamed down at him, showing off his pearly white teeth and gums, and Tommy's breath was gone.

"Ha! Nick, you chose the wrong sibling!" Summer joked, his head turning once again to look at his best friend, who was 'hurt' by the announcement. Nick's hand reached up to his chest mockingly, mouth parted wide in a gasp.

"If you don't want a fucking coconut up your rectum you better shut the fuck up Sunny." Sara interjected before Nick could say anything to him, but it was a thousand times better than what Nick was going to say, leaving him almost in tears.

"Ooo, we got ourselves a kinky one," Summer said as an aside to Tommy, winking his blue eye at him, long and pale eyelashes fluttering.

And Tommy's heart skipped at beat.


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