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Everybody was outside, going crazy.

Pockets of laughter were everywhere, although Holly and Danielle still haven't made up but they both were having conversations with other people, trying to have the best time they could.

They'd have that conversation later, Holly kept telling herself.

They were all putting all their stuff into the back of the huge car, that Nick was driving. Theyre going to try to get as much driving done as possible today, since it only took about seven hours to drive from London to Scotland, the place which seemed like heaven right now.

It was so hot. There were literal gems of sweat on everyone's foreheads, and Jack was getting the most flustered.

"Eww! I genuinly just felt sweat run down my back!" Jack said, peeling his shirt off his back.

"Ew!" Danielle replied, laughing. Everyone was a bit histerical - except Nick, who decided to take on the 'mum' role in the group.

"Alright. I think we can start heading off." Resting his hands on his hips, Nick looked at everyone's happy faces and smiled.

This was going to be good for everybody.

Yesturday night was a weird time for Tommy. He couldnt stop thinking about the way that Summer looked at him with the makeup on. Sometimes he catches him staring at him, but Summer always looks away before he can make proper eye contact.

It felt like everything he'd known was sort of collapsing. Everyone always said that boys dont wear makeup, but why dod Summer stare at him like that? Does he just like makeup?

Everytime Tommy saw a boy wearing makeup on the internet, his instinct reaction was to cringe. Imagine if that was him? Imagine the look on his dad's face seeing left-over makeup that he couldnt get off from the nigt before.

He had so much fun last night. He even actually wanted to do it again, however he knew how much he was contradicting himself.

It was all just so difficult to understand.

Once they were all in the car, (Holly and Jack behind Nick and Sara, and Tommy, Summer and Danielle at the back) they all suddenly fell quiet. The only noise that could be heard was the scratching of pencil against paper and a soft humming of the radio.

Drumming his fingers on the wheel, Nick hummed along with the pop song. He looked outside of the window as they were driving past a field.

Summer gasped, "Cows!"

"MOOO!!" Holly and Jack both abruptly screeched, looking at eachother as if they just proved the illuminati existed.

"Hey guys," Summer started, a glint in his eyes that meant trouble, "You know who's a cow?"

"Who, Summer? We'd really like to know." Nick said sarcasticly, sharing a smile with Sara.

"If you say my name is swear to God I will shank you." Holly warned, the beginning of a glare coming along.

"Ooh! Holly! I thought you were done with all your chavvy-ness!" Summer put a hand on Tommy's shoulder, startling him from his drawing. "Tommy! We need to help Holly from turning back into her year nine self!" Summer said urgently.

Tommy smiled at the dorkiness of the boy sat next to him, shaking his head. He looked over at Holly who was acting like a damsel of distress, urgently turning around in her seat to nod her head at Tommy, pleading for his help.

A loud chuckle bubbled up from Tommy's throat, covering his mouth with his hand which did nothing to hide his cute crooked teeth from Summer who could see everything.

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