Y/N was Force to marry Kim Taehyung. Both of their parents own the biggest companies in Korea. Y/N is also a Mafia same as Kim Taehyung... Well I hope you guys enjoy this story, I will update more chapters to my other book but enjoy this one 😌
I woke up and found Taehyung peacefully sleeping. I smiled at him, I tried to get without waking him so I can take a shower. I managed to get up but I felt a hand on my arm pulling me back down. He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzle the nape of my neck. "tae, I need to take a shower." I tried to push him away but he held me closer to him. "5 more minutes.." he doze off. I sighed, "do you just want to take a shower with me?" He quickly got up and head towards the bathroom. "well then let's take a shower" he yelled from the bathroom. I laughed a bit and head towards the bathroom.
After 20 minutes we got dressed:
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I got my car keys and we both head out to go to school. After a good 15 minutes we parked in the school parking lot. I got out of the car and a big group of guys and girls surrounding me.
Guy 1: "Y/N!! Marry me please!!" Girl 1: "How can you look so pretty but badass at the same time!" A bunch of people have me comments and Taehyung came to my side wrapping his arm around my waist. "Sorry boys, she's taken" all the guys got a disappointed look and walked away. I sighed and walked into school. As I went to open my locker someone slammed it shut and turned me around pinning me. I sighed annoyed. "Babygirl, I never knew you went to this school as well." He grabbed my chin and pulled me close to his face. "Damn, I wish I can do naughty things to you.." he leaned closer but I kicked his balls. He groaned and fell to the ground. "You're lucky we're in school otherwise I would so kill you this moment." I whispered in his ear and walked to class annoyed.
I sat in my seat which was next to Taehyung. I put my legs on top of his and leaned back. "Baby what's wrong?" He asked and looked at me. "Jackson, he's in this school now and will never leave me alone.. I would so kill him if I could right now" i whispered the last part to him. Taehyung smirked, "I'm pretty sure we can plan out something." He whispered and gave me a kiss. I kissed back, and pulled away once the teacher walked in. Soon the lecture started.. after what felt like forever, the bell rang. Lunch!! Omg I'm so hungry. I grabbed Taehyungs hand and pretty dragged him to the lunch room. After getting our food, we sat with our group of friends. We all chat and ate. It was peaceful until someone "accidentally" tripped and their food spilt all over me. "oops I'm so so sorry, I fell." The girl said, I can tell the sarcasm she had. I growled, "watch it," the girl smirked and bent down to whisper, "Listen here, Taehyung is mine. I don't know what he sees in a ugly whore like you." She smirked, but I just chuckled. "You have know idea who you're talking to Slut." I smirked back, "What did you just called me you whore!?" She pretty much yelled as she gained the whole lunch room attention. I just kept on smirking, "you heard me. I said. You. Are. A. Slut." She was pissed and lifted her hand trying to slap me. But she was slow, I grabbed her wrist tightly. "To slow hun." I stand up and twisted her arm behind her back. She whimpered, "let me go you whore!!" She tried kicking me but I grabbed her leg with my other hand and pulled it making her fall. I bent down next to her, "listen here hun, I said you don't know who you're talking to. Taehyung is mine. If you don't understand that then I'll just have to show you don't I?" She was beyond pissed. I stood up and walked towards taehyung, she punched me, I spat out blood and whipped my mouth seeing blood.
I turned towards her, "you're wasting my time princess." She smirked, "aww to weak to fight me?" She walked up to Taehyung and wrapped both of her arms around his neck kissing his neck. I got pissed, I walked up to her and yanked her hair making her fall on to the ground. I got on top of her starting to punch the shit out of her. She was yelling, "Help!! Please!!" Everyone around us kept shouting, "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" I smirked, "look who's weak now.. touch me and my fiance, you'll be dead the next time I see you touching him." I got up and walked to Taehyung grabbing his hand and walking out with my group of friends. I growled, "ahh! I don't have an extra shirt!" Taehyung took his sweatshirt off. "Here, wear this." I grabbed it and smiled, "thank you baby" I kissed his cheek and went into the bathroom to change my shirt. As I was about to walk out. I heard someone crying in one of the stalls. I knocked on it, "hey, are you ok?" There was silent. I knocked again but it was kicked open by the person and she pointed the gun at me. "well well well, isn't it the most famous Mafia princess. Kim Y/N, I've waited to meet you since I heard you're going to be marrying Taehyung." I took out my gun and pointed it at her, both of our guns pointed at eachother.
"Ahhh, her Majesty. Isn't it miss Rose herself." I said and smirked. "I've heard about you... Seducing men just to work for you." She chuckled. "I guess I don't have to hide anymore from you.. you know the only reason why I'm here right?" She walked closer to me. "To die correct?" I smirked. "Ahhh, you wish. But I'm here to simply take your fiance and become the most famous Mafia gang out there. Everyone to fear me.." she smiled, triggering her gun. "So... Let me get this right.." I put my hand on my chin, acting like I'm thinking. "You're here to take my fiance away, just so you can have power?" She smiled and nodded, "it isn't that much to ask for right?" She tilted her head. I just laughed, "I'm sorry, bahaha!! That's the most stupidest thing I've ever heard from someone who's so needy for power." She growled and launched at me thinking I have my guard down. I quickly dodged her grabbing her hair and pinning her to the wall, slapping her gun out of her hand. Tracing my gun up and down her throat, "ahh, hun. You're just wasting your time with me.. you know you're so weak, you can't even shoot me.. I work on that, true Mafia kill people without mercy. And you.. you're no Mafia, just a girl who doesn't like to kill people." I gripped her throat, she started to gasped for air. "Listen to me, mess with me and my fiance. I will kill you.. even if you beg me to not, I'll do it anyway for the fun of it.. hearing you begging me to not kill you, hearing you cry.. will only make me want to kill you even more... So think more before you do.." I let go and put my gun away walking out of the bathroom.
Taehyung was looking worried. I walked up to him and hugged him. " Jaji what took forever?" He asked and hugged back. "We have some desperate girls looking for you to have power." I looked up at him and smirked. "For the fun of it, let them chase you down.. in the end, they'll end up dead anyway.. you're mine and mine only baby boy.." he smirked, "So let's make it fun then kitten.."
--------------- Hello creamers, how are you? Hopefully you're all doing good. Ik I said I'll post a lot during Christmas break but my therapist told me to get off my phone so I can interact with the outside world. So I have, but guys please go read my other book. I'm trying my best to post and have y'all entertain. But I might just delete my other book since no one is reading it. So please go read it, I worked hard on it.