Chapter 20

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I sighed as I was sitting on the couch. I was waiting for Taehyung to come home from his mission. It's been about more than 8 hours.. usually his missions don't take this long and always come back within 3 hours wanting to cuddle and watch movies..

As I was watching 'The Birds Of Prey' I got a text, I looked at who had texted me... Jimin? I opened the text, "Y/N... Taehyung won't be home until midnight, it's a difficult mission, I'm sorry. We love you Hunny bun!" I sighed as I looked at the text but then chuckled.

'Hunny Bun, was a nickname given to me from Tae's gang members, they see me as their little sister and I didn't mind it. But Tae hated it when they gave me that nickname, he only wants to be the one to give me cute nicknames.

I looked at the time and it was 2 in the afternoon, he left around 6. I decided to make myself some lunch, I got up and grabbed all of the ingredients to make lunch. I was chopping some vegetables when I got a call. I grabbed my phone and picked it up.

"Hello?" I said as I was still cutting the vegetables. "Is this Mrs. Kim..?" I stopped whatever I was doing as they asked.. "y-yes it is, may I ask who this is?" I was nervous, "Ah sorry, but your husband is in XXXX hospit-" before they could even finish I hung up the call and slammed my phone on the table.

I accidently cut my hand in the process, I didn't care. I'm sad, but I don't show it. I'm more mad at myself because I wasn't there to protect him from getting injured. I started punching holes in the wall while letting a few tears fall, I didn't care what I was wearing or how I looked.

I quickly dashed out of the house and ran towards the hospital which was the one not to far from here. Many people were looking at me.. scared or judging me, many people know who I was which is why they feared me, some didn't so they judged for what I was doing.

I didn't care, I just wanted to see my husband. I was right infront of the hospital, I pushed pass the doctors and got in. I got to the counter, and slammed my fists onto it and breathes heavily. "Room number for Kim Taehyung.." the next thing she said pissed me off cause I just wanted to see him, "Family members only.."

She continued to work, "do you even know who I am?" She shrugged at me, "don't care" I growled and held a gun at her head, "excuse me.. I just wanted to see my husband, room number now!" She looked terrified, "I'm sorry Mrs. Kim. Room number, 235" I scoffed and ran towards the room.

I opened the door, his gang members turned around quickly as they heard my heavy breathing. Then there was Tae, looking at me sad and guilty. I glared at the boys to let us have alone time, not wasting time they all scurried out of the room quickly shutting the door behind them.

I was trying to catch my breath, I ran my hand through my hair and closed my eyes for a bit. Trying to calm down, I walked over to him and sat in a chair that's right next to the bed. He looked down, I sighed and gently grabbed his hand.

"What happened, baby?" I grabbed his chin with my other hand, lifting it so he would look at me. I was worried, "our mission was going good until out of nowhere another gang came up behind us and attacked us.. we didn't know about it, Im sorry.." I smiled softly and gave him a soft kiss.

"Don't be sorry, you didn't know so what could have you done.. things happen, but it'll teach you that next time you'll have your guard up and be prepared for whatever comes at you in life.." he looked down, he quickly shot his head up looking worried. I gave him a confused look.

"Your hand.. what happened?" I nervously laughed, "once I got a call from the doctor about you, I slammed my hand on the table and got cut by accident..." I looked down not telling the rest of it. "Y/N.." he said sternly..

I panicked, "I'm sorry!! I blamed myself for not being there to protect you from getting injured! It was my fault!" I pouted and he smiled softly. "It's not your fault, we both didn't know what was going to happen.." he placed his hand in my cheek, I softened in his touch, I placed my hand over his and leaned further into his hand.

"Let's go home.." this time he gave me a soft kiss as I nodded. I went to the counter top and discharged Taehyung, he only got shot in the shoulder so it wasn't that big, but to me it was. We were in the car, Tae laying his head in my lap taking a nap as I played with his hair softly.

I looked out the window, my eyes wondering around the city, enjoying the view of my city. Then looked at my husband who was sleeping peacefully while arms were wrapped around my waist, nuzzling my stomach. I smiled softly at him as his cheeks were squished from hugging me tightly. I don't know how I deserved this man, he could have a gorgeous women, a women that is not in a mafia so she wouldn't worry about gangs and force marriage..

But, we got lucky.. lucky is our favorite word because if it wouldn't be for out parents.. we would've never met, never gotten married, never have been together... The world out us together because of luck.. I've never have been more happy in my life cause I get to have the love of my life in my lap sleeping peacefully.

After thinking to myself for a bit, I shut my eyes and drifted off into sleep...

About an hour or two later, I was laying in our shared room. I looked to my side to see if taehyung was there, but he wasn't. I pouted and sighed. I didn't want to get out of bed, so this is the only way to get his attention....

"TAEHYUNGIE!!!" I shouted for him, soon after I heard footsteps running towards our shared room, the door busted open but then tripped and fell to the ground. I hold my laugh in, he quickly got up and walked towards me seeing a pout on my lips.

"What happened princess, did you get hurt? Did someone touch you? Princess, what happened?" He was checking me all over making sure I wasn't hurt, I giggled. He stopped and realized what I did, he was the one pouting this time while glaring at me, "I was trying to make your favorite dish for dinner but you shouted my name as if you got hurt and I got worried"

I was trying to pull him closer, but he smacked my hands away. 'Ahh, I fucked up' I sat in his lap and gave him butterfly kisses in his shoulder, collarbone, neck, cheeks, forehead, and then finally on his lips. He smiled widely showing me his boxy smile.. that damn boxy smile always making me fall for him more than I already have.

I smiled back, "I just wanted to cuddle and watch movies like we were supposed to, but let's eat first!" He nodded then picked me up bringing me to the kitchen so he can finish cooking, I was being a koala bear and clinged onto him as he cooked.

After he finished cooking, I helped set up the table and placed the food on the table. As we were eating, we were having conversations and laughed at some jokes being complete weirdos together, after eating we washed dishes and went into our room. We watched movies and cuddle the rest of the night.

Finally, we both drifted off to sleep as he held me close to him watching movies..


HEY LOVELIES!! How are y'all doing? This book will have about a chapter or two till it is completely finish.. but omg guys! Almost 4K?! Y'all are the best, after this I will pay attention to my Jungkook one, or any others. Please comment in what book y'all want me to pay attention next so I don't have to do 3 others books at the same time. Please please comment, I PURPLE YOU💜🥀⛓️

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