✨Speed Dating✨

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(I believe I read something similar to this in a certain book if anyone knows the author please comment so I can give credit for inspiration please)

June 23rd, 2019
9:56 pm

I glanced around nervously as another woman left the table in frustration as I couldn't make out the words to properly tell her about myself. See I was signed up for some speed dating thing by my friend Alexis. She figured I was lonely since I had never truly been in a relationship before. I always had trouble with people and getting a grasp of my own emotions, I was, in the short term, a mess.

The woman who had left the table had been bluntly probing at my personality throughout the hour that she had with me and made things worse for herself by pointing out my flaws and eventually got frustrated as I tried to tell her to stop and then left in annoyance.

I hate people like her.

I tapped my nails softly on the table as I watched other people click with others and leave the restaurant. I wanted someone to come over, someone that I could click with.

I took another sip of my apple juice as a tall woman came into view, She was around 5'10 with pretty black hair and wore a gray top with a tight gray skirt. She also wore a pair of black heels to compliment the outfit.

I stared at her a bit as she talked to a lady at the front who was hosting the event and then turned my general way as she finished speaking with the woman.

I turned back to the empty seat in front of me as I continued to rapidly tap my nails on the polished wooden table. I pulled out my phone anxiously waiting for the clock to strike 12 am so I could leave without seeming lonely.

"Anyone sitting here?"

My head shot up at the smooth deep voice. I looked over to see the same woman that was at the front of the restaurant standing in front of me in all her glory. I felt the heat rush to my face as I suddenly forgot how to talk as she chuckled as my nervousness.

"U-umm nobody's sitting here right now," I said uneasily as she eyed me in a way that I couldn't read even if I tried. She looked around before taking a seat at the table.

" So what's your name?" I asked my palms growing sweaty with each word that passed my lips.

"Megan, but you can call me Meg hun. What's yours, pretty lady?"

I blushed at her words as she interlocked her long fingers and rested her chin on top, staring into my eyes waiting for an answer.

"O-oh my name is Rui, but some of my friends call me rue."

She smiled at the nickname and scooted up in her seat, her breasts jiggled as she moved. I looked away from them out of fear of looking like a complete creep.

Megan continued to chat me up as I slowly began to get comfortable. I had never talked with anyone like this other than my best friend Alexis. I grinned as Megan began to talk about her love for anime as I agreed.

" All I'm saying is that kagome had it HARD for Inuyasha. Them niggas argued like a married couple throughout the damn show!" She said as she sipped on a glass of cognac.

" Don't you think it's a bit late to sip in that?" I asked playfully as she mugged me before breaking out into a smile.

" I can handle my liquor, keep sipping on that apple juice is".

I playfully mugged her back as I reached for my juice.

" First of all this is the best juice of all time don't disrespect sus " I retorted taking a sip.

" Yeah yeah whatever," Megan said as she leaned forward before grabbing my cup and taking a sip of my juice

" oh, so we playing games now?" I asked an eyebrow raised in disbelief as she looked me in the eye, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Sure is babycakes"

I moved back my hand at my chest as she laughed a bit before speaking.
" so you wanna leave this bitch or" she dragged out rolling her eyes a bit as I looked at her surprised.

"I guess but where are we gonna go?" I asked tilting my head to the side as Megan licked her lips before responding

" my place baby" she replied, her hand reaching for mine slowly before grabbing it, swirling her finger in small circles on the back of my palm as I thought about it, a worst-case scenario is that she murders me but on the other hand I could either be getting A) pussy, B) a hangout session or C) both.

I nodded my head and she gave me a small grin.

We both stood up and after 3 mins of mild debate, Megan paid the bill as I stood behind her begrudgingly checking the time.

12:10 am

Finally, she turned to me as a small smile made way onto her face as she took my wrist and led me to her car since I took an Uber to the restaurant.
Megan opened the door as I got in, the scent of strawberries and vanilla flooding my nostrils as she got into the car. I never noticed how good she smelled due to the restaurant's scent.

She began to drive and sing loudly as Jimmie more by Britney spears blasted through the speakers as I danced lightly laughing at her antics. She truly knew how to brighten any setting.

As we continued to drive we pulled into a really expensive neighborhood. I gaped at the large houses as we pulled into a fairly sized home that seemed to illuminate the street.


What did y'all think



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