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Rui pov

I reached out my arm and slapped my hands against the restaurant table as  my friend normani kept going on

"-I'm just saying you need to start dating, you barely leave your house ever since senior year started. I mean what are you gonna do when college is over and you didn't have any fun?"

I snapped up as she finished talking.


Normani glanced at me in confusion as she finally took notice of what I was doing. She shook her head before going to talk again but was cut off as a waitress came to the table.

" are you ready to order?"

A smooth deep voice questioned as I finally turned to the waitress. All I can say is that God has favorites and she made the fucking cut.  The woman was around 5'10 wearing a buttoned crop top and olive green skirt. Her belly button piercing glistened in the light as she turned a bit to look at me.

"-rui, RUI"

I snapped out of my thoughts as normani stared at me in annoyance.
The waitress chuckled a bit before switching her weight to her left leg.

" so you gonna order cutie or do I need to come back?" She asked

My eyes widened in shock before speaking. 

" I'm ready to order. I'll have a milk tea and a slice of strawberry cheesecake"

She took me and normanis order before leaving.

Normani turned to me quickly with a large grin on her face

" bitchhhh you like herrrr," she said as she lightly slapped the table.

" no I  don't she's just pretty" I shot back blushing

" oh, you like LIKE her" normani said as she adjusted herself in her seat.

" you should get her number bitch" normani continued

I shook my head and pouted as she continued to tease me. I hated it when she did this, 8 years of friendship and she still tried to set me up with other people.

I took a moment to look around the quiet diner as the pretty lady came back into view. She seemed to have a look of distaste on her face as she listened to an upset customer get k to her face. 

I looked back at normani before speaking.

" How about this"

Normani looked up with a glint in her eyes as she then knew that I was giving her permission to set my ass up. I sighed to myself realizing the shit that I have placed myself into.

I observed normani nervously as she waved for the waitress to come back over. I shifted in my seat desperately trying to pull myself together as the waitress made her way over to us, her hips swaying with every step.

" Everything all right over here?" She asked stuffing her small notebook into her pocket and normani cleared her throat ready to either make or break my entire career.

" Everything is all good but I was wondering if you are single?"

The woman raised her perfectly arched eyebrow before responding

"I am, " she relaxed a bit, her shoulders slumping a bit as normani cheeses at the news.

"Well my friend rui here is very much single and would like your number, that is, if you're interested"

The woman looked over to me, a playful twinkle in her eye as she responded. " I usually would say yes but unfortunately, I'm not really interested in people who aren't direct."

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