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(Credit to the author of "megan thee stallion" trag1ty )


Why is it so cold

Why am I here

My eyes burst open as I stared into the quiet dark room. My heart racing as I felt the rough bonds that tied me to the chair scrape aggressively against my wrists. I hated it here, I just want o go home. Away from her.

" it's light time" she drawled out as the fluorescent lights attacked my eyes. I heard her heels clicking against the smooth cold tile floors as she sauntered over to me, a smile etched on her face.

So beautiful yet so fucking insane

I closed my eyes. I didn't want to look into those eyes. Not anymore.

Not again

"Look at me baby," she said sweetly as if her words were covered in liquid sugar.

I kept my head down as I then felt her warm hand grip my face gently as she forced me to face her as I kept my eyes closed.

" look at me rui "

Her voice drilled with venom this time, promising me pain if I didn't. I opened my eyes as Megan continued to hold my chin, a smile still planted on her face.

"Will you be a good girl today?" She asked me as her head cocked slightly to the side. I nodded my head as the smile on her face grew wider. I didn't want to hurt again.

Megan let go of my face before leaving the room. I knew she would be back shortly. I examined my surroundings for the millionth time. The small couch lay on the far edge of the room along with a marble coffee table. There were no windows. She knew that I would run if there were any

I looked down at my body as I began to tear up. My body held multiple scratch marks and bruises from Megan. The worst was on my back. She never had to use a belt or anything to hurt me. She was strong enough with her hands.

Megan never starved me. Instead, she would do things like punch me or even please herself with me underneath her.

I should've realized that she wasn't right in the head when we first met. She never acted naturally instead she would stare at me or ask weird questions. She got aggressive after we had a one night stand after a party. I didn't want to address what happened but Megan wanted something.

She wanted me

Megan was never right in the head. Even Kelsey told me. Year's of mental abuse does that to a person. It did it to Megan.

I snapped out of my thoughts as the soft click of the door echoed through the room. Megan stood there in her underwear, she smirked at me before locking the door behind her.

"I love you so much, " Megan said as she straddled me. I took a deep breath as I felt my bonds being released.

I shuddered as Megan's lips connected with my neck, her hands roaming my body as she lightly ground into my lap.
She got up before yanking me out of the chair. I fell into her as my legs were stiff.

"Come on baby, its bath time"

I gripped her shoulders as Megan picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the room. I had never been outside of the room for as long as Megan kept me. She kept the door slightly open as she started to run the bathwater.

I looked over to Megan as she had her back turned to me. I slowly got up careful to not make any sound.

I ran

I burst through the bathroom door as Megan yelled for me to come back. I made it into the main room as my eyes frantically searched for an exit.

The door

I ran for the door and hurriedly twisted the lock and ran out of the house. I could hear Megan running after me.


My knees felt weak as if someone kicked the back of them and my chest tightened as I ran as fast as I could. I looked back and saw no one

The car

I knew she would follow me in her car. I stopped running as heavy tears ran down my face. I couldn't escape her.

I collapsed on the sidewalk. The large bushes slightly hiding my body but I knew she would see me.

Those careful eyes

I shook as sobs erupted through my body as I pressed my face against the cool pavement.

She would be here soon.

I heard tires screeching as the car door slammed shut. The sound of heels clacking against the pavement.

" poor rui. You know you can't run from me." Megan said as she picked me up. She was still in her underwear but had put on a pair of shoes.

" I knew you were gonna run, silly bunny" she pulled me into her truck into the front seat but didn't start the car. Instead, she just held me close to her warm body.

"I'm never letting you go"


This chapter was a bit short but I hope you enjoyed it

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