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Megan's pov
Texas Southern University
Megan's dorm

I shook my head and laughed as I watched Kelsey's antics as she and Daren argued over whether or not getting pegged is gay.

" All I'm saying is that that is a dick. It's gay" Kelsey said as she waved her hands around to get her point across

" Aight then. Since you wanna use that logic is it straight if two lesbians use a strap?" Daren shot back as she crossed her arms smirking triumphantly as she watched Kelsey try to make a good comeback.

" You know what, To hell," Kelsey said as she does up her pace down the hall as we made our way to my room. I huffed quietly as we arrived at my door as I tried to find my key card.

" Oh shit here Meg," Daren said as she passed me my key card.

" Bitch how do you have my stuff" j quipped shooting an icy stare as she hid behind Kelsey.

" I was trying to key Kelsey's door"

I furrowed my eyebrows together and dismissed the entire conversation as Kelsey burst out laughing. Shit wasn't funny, these damn things are 50 dollars to replace.

I opened the door as the scent of lavender and mint hit me in waves. I looked around, not spotting my roommate anywhere as we took a seat on the couch and continued to hang out.

Time skip

I yawn loudly as I finish cleaning up after Kelsey and Daren left. I grab a pack of vanilla Oreos and a cup of milk before retreating to the large room I shared.

I look around and see on the other side of the room a large bed with a lump signaling that she had already gone to sleep. I put my stuff down on my nightstand and grabbed a pair of soft silky booty shorts and a sports bra to sleep in before dismissing the thought of going into the bathroom to change.

She's asleep anyway


I moved around a bit before hearing the door open. I knew that Megan was already home but I was going to sleep anyways.

I closed my eyes at peace before they shot open as I heard clothes being dropped to the floor. I turned over the face the large gap that separated me and Megan's bed and peeked from under the cover.

There stood Megan completely naked save for a pair of black lace panties that hugged her hips. I pressed my lips together to prevent myself from screaming as she took those off too and there she was in naked glory.

Being that hot is plain disrespect and I stand by that.

I stopped peaking but my short moment of calm was brutally murdered as I heard Megan chuckle.

" Rui I know you're awake."

I stopped breathing as she softly pulled the cover off of my head as she stood there in nothing but a new pair of shorts. Megan smiled a bit before pushing me over in the bed so I was close to the wall before getting in. I could see her perfectly despite the dim lighting coming from my salt lamp as she grabbed me by my hips and pulled me close to her body that easily covered mine. She smirked as she took notice of my evident panic.

" Awe come on now ruru. You had the guts to peek, what's with all the shyness now? "

"Megan you are practically naked and you're asking me this? Also, u weren't peeking I didn't even know that you were naked." I shot back as she pushed my head close to her bare chest, her nipples standing at attention as she threw her long, thick leg over mine.

" Awe, well appreciate me now ru. I know you like this" she whispered, dangerously close to my ear before kissing my cheek.

" Megan you're extra " I breathed out before silently moaning as she rubbed my lower back.

For the past 5 months since junior year of school started Megan has been trying to seduce me. She even broke up with that nigga who calls himself money sack or something but j think that was just because he cheated on her with some other girl. But she never seemed to be hurt by it.

Ever since I met Megan at orientation she always came off strong. When talking to me in the beginning she was cool and all, we got to know each other and everything but a month in she began to talk to me like she was a pure nympho.

" Whatcha thinking about sexy" she whispered before pressing herself closer to my body.

" Megan, why do you have a thing for me?" I asked moving my head up so that my chin didn't rest directly on her titties.

" Because I like everything about you babe. Your laugh, your smile, your personality, the way you carry yourself, your habits, hobbies, music, your everything baby. I haven't felt for anyone else like this before. And I want you to be mine. I know I should've told you this better like In some boujie ass restaurant but I wanna tell you this now." She told me as she stroked my hair gently and stared into my eyes.

I closed my eyes before leaning into her.

" I really like you, Megan. And I will gladly be in a relationship with you, but please I beg of you to never throw pussy at me In the middle of a midterm." I laughed a bit as she lightly smacked my butt as Megan began to laugh.

" I thought you liked it" she giggled as she got closer.

"Megan I understand that you were already done but grinding on me and having your ass halfway on my lap as I was not done was really not the way to go," I said as I suddenly felt a pair of lips on mine.

My eyes widened as Megan began to lick my lips beckoning me to open my mouth. I let her as she French kissed me and began to grind on me slowly as her hands roamed everywhere.

Megan pulled away and began to tug my shirt off. I helped a bit and slid it off as she aggressively pulled my shorts and underwear off before attacking my lips again, her large tongue exploring every part of my mouth as her hands groped my breasts. She flipped me so that I was on the bottom as she dove in again going for my check as she began to suck on my nipples.

I gripped the hem of her shorts before pull g them down as she eventually kicked them off. I swallowed a bit as she switched her position and placed herself so that her pussy aligned with my mouth.

"Eat it" she growled out, gripping my hair a little as she lowered herself onto my face. I moaned into her as Megan began to rock her hips back and forth as I licked at her. I pushed my tongue into her as she let out a heavy moan before moving faster as I slipped in two fingers.

"I-im coming" she let out before a wave of juice came spilling into my mouth.

I lapped up every drop before she collapsed next to me breathing steadily.

This bitch isn't even tired

" hey ru?"

" yeah, Megamind" I smirked responding to her as I wiped my mouth.

" I'm gonna dismiss that for now but hand me those Oreos"


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