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Megan is 24
Rui is 24

2:37 pm
Texas Southern University

I finished packing my work case as I made my way to the teacher's lounge to grab my mug before leaving the building to grab the rest of my papers to start the semester. I just started teaching at TSU, we not really teaching since my first class doesn't start until 6.

I graduated high school early and went straight into college to get my degree in teaching. As soon as I had all the requirements to teach college students I went straight for it. There was no point in holding back, I needed to complete my dream of passing on knowledge to future innovators and more.

I currently teach bioethics in a small building near the back of campus. Since I was taking on all the kids that couldn't fit into earlier classes I expect my days to be usually quiet with occasional chatter from my students.

Today is my first-day teaching seniors only. The board had changed my entire schedule a month in advance before the semester started but I was still nervous. I mean, college students are ruthless.

Hungover bastards.

I grimaced to myself as I now took the small time to think about how much of a nightmare my class could be. This is the last thing I needed damnit.

I shuffled back to the building trying to keep my thoughts together as I suddenly rammed into someone. I winced, falling onto my ass. I scrambled up, apologizing frantically as I tried to hurriedly pick up my papers.

" Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I wasn't looking and i-” " you're fine I promise”

I looked up at the owner of the smooth deep voice to be met with semi-large almond eyes. They held a playful twinkle as the woman raised her eyebrow at my actions. 

She helped me pick up the rest of my things as I then got a chance to see her fully.

She towered over me at about 5'10 and had long straight black hair. She wore a long sleeve crop top with red and black stripes on it and a pair of jeans.

" I haven't seen you on campus before. You new or sumn" she asked staring straight at me. Damn, she's intimidating.

" oh no I teach here I'm just starting today."

Her eyes widened a bit

" oh, so you must be SMART smart huh?" She replied I shuffled a bit trying to get a good balance.

" yeah, I guess oh I almost forgot my name is rui"

"Megan but you can call me meg or whatever, you need help with that stuff". Before I could give her an answer she took half of the stack of papers in her arms, now waiting for me to direct her to my building.

I directed her there as she followed me closely, seemingly trying to find anything to strike up another conversation.

I hastily opened the door before putting down the papers at my desk. I leaned back onto my desk as I catched my breath.

I jumped as a pair of hands grabbed my waist. I turned around to see Megan staring back at me as she slowly leaned forward her chest now pushed against mine.

Her hands rubbed up and down as she fixed her position, now crouching lightly due to my height.

" Megan this isn't appropr-"  I was cut off as a pair of soft gloss covered lips came into contact with mine. I gasped, accidentally letting her tongue in as I felt myself being picked up, now sitting on my desk.

" Don't fight me baby" she whispered in my ear as shivers ran down my spine. She pushed her way in between my legs as her long sharp acrylic nails left red marks in their wake.

" Do I make you horny baby"  she asked her fingers making their way down my thigh as my breath hitched.

I nodded eagerly as Megan grinned, she lifted me like I weighed nothing and adjusted me on top of the desk. She was now in between my legs staring back at me as my hands rested on her shoulders.

" Is the door locked?"

Not having the energy to talk I shook my head. Megan nodded before grabbing my keys that I set ok no the desk previously before running over to the door, locking it.

I peeked over at the clock, 4:22pm. I still have time. I came out of the
My thoughts as the sound of keys dropping on the floor as Megan pushed back in-between my legs, her lips attaching to my neck as her hands massaged my hips.

Moans threatened to break through as she trailed down her hands making quick work to carefully take off my skirt and panties. Her lips hovered over my pearl,her tongue ran over it as shivers ran through my body.

Maybe the year won't be so bad

Y'all I'm so damn sorry for this trash ass chapter but i have no clue  how to write a proper sex scene. If you are good at doing that please dm me if you can cause this shit be hard.

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Also what can i improve?
Stay safe, watch out for covid-19 cause that shit is scurry

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