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Sleep deprivation

Megan pov

I sighed in pure bliss as I snuggled deep into my covers as the tensions from my body released. I smiled as I watched my wife do the same, we had been working nonstop for the past three weeks on my album that was going to drip in the spring.

I and rui have been married for two years now, getting engaged on her birthday and finally marrying on mine. Ever since then I have been having the time of my life as my career continued to flourish.

I snapped out of my thoughts as a loud knock echoed through the house. I groaned in annoyance and kicked the soft mattress at the thought of having to get up. You would think after working that hard you could get a break but no.

I scrunched up my face and huffed as I got out of the best as more knocks made their way through the house. I rushed to the stairs before rui would wake up.

If she wakes up all hell will break loose. I remember the last time when EJ woke her up and ended up with a sprained wrist and trauma for two weeks.

I never found out what she did to him and I damn sure don't want to find out now.

I opened the door as quickly as possible as EJ, kelsey, and Daren came into view.

" what the everlasting fuck are y'all doing here? I told y'all that we were going to take a break." I whispered harshly to them.

Ej waved me off before speaking, "listen meg, we need to get back to work like now. You have two interviews lined up and a photoshoot for today and tomorrow"

I furrowed my eyebrows in disbelief, I know these Lil niggas did not just tell me I got all this shit lined up last minute. Especially EJ knowing that we went home with the clear intentions of getting a nap, you would almost think he wanted another ass whooping from rui little ass.

I massaged my temples before retorting, " first of all, why the hell didn't y'all yell me that before? Now I gotta get ready for all this shi-actually you know what, fuck it I'm not going any damn where today. I busted my ass for too long and if I wake up rui it's my ass. Just reschedule them"

This time kelsey spoke up. " meg we can't do that. They want you there today and I already tried to reschedule."

I got ready to speak back but stopped as the sound of our bed creaking upstairs, my blood ran cold as I pushed them out the doorway before quietly scolding them and closing the door.

I ran back upstairs as quietly as possible a narrowly avoided tripping over 4oe and waking up 5ive before getting back in bed.

" who was that?".

My heart dropped to my ass and my throat went dry as Rui's soft voice broke the temporary silence.

"It was nobody baby just go back to sleep," I told her trying to coax back into a well-deserved nap. The last thing I needed on my mind was the thought of trying to remove the shoe that would end up my ass if she woke up fully.

Time skip

I sat up nervously as the impending feeling that some fuck shit was gonna happen ran over me.

I swear to God if somebody comes near my door they will receive the proper ass beating.

I looked over at rui as she continued to sleep, she had made the mistake of going to four consecutive parties with me and practically received no sleep for the past week. I felt bad about it and I wanted to make it up as much as possible.

Maybe I should get her a car or something.

I snapped out of my thoughts as EJ's loud ass voice was heard from outside. Why can't this nigga go home? I already told him the situation, he about to get himself hurt.

I carefully rolled out of bed as rui's voice broke through the room.

"I'm gonna kill him"

I froze as she tore through the covers and got out of bed, proceeding to rummage through our closet as she then came out with a Glock with rhinestones on it.

" I'm airing this bitch out."

My eyes widened as she opened the door. I scrambled to get up as thoughts of rui shooting ej in the knees came into my mind.

" wait rui don't I can't just talk to them-"

" no Megan, I'm pulling an Itachi, EJ didn't learn last time. Maybe he will this time" rui muttered as she made sure the gun was loaded.

At least the house is protected

Not really a one-shot but I have had writer's block for a week now.





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