Chapter 6

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At 7:45 P.M.
John's POV
I stood next to the fountain, waiting. My hands fidgeted with the turtle bracelet on my wrist. What if he doesn't come tonight? What if he doesn't like me? What if he actually hates me? All these thoughts circled in my head. I panicked. Should I leave? No, I need to be strong.

12 Years Earlier

My father stood by my side as I watched my best friend Alex get taken away to the Caribbean. He was moving. I was going to miss him. We would always play together at school and go to each other's houses.
"Dad, I don't want Alex to go!" I cried.
"Son, he needs to go," My father said to me.
"I know," He told me, "But you need to be strong."

  Back To Present Time
Alex's POV
     "Come on Alex! You have to meet John!" Lafayette said to me in a teasing voice. He knows I like John, and he said he wasn't surprised when I told him. He likes Hercules though, who I suspect likes him too.
     "I know, I know! I'm almost ready!" I shouted back. What did John want? What if he said he didn't like me? No. It was going to be fine. I left the dorm, and started walking towards the fountain.

John's POV
I stood waiting for another 3 minutes before Eliza called me.
     "Eliza?" I asked.
     "I heard you were confessing to Alex tonight," She said.
     "Yeah, I am. What do you need?" I questioned. How did she know? Did everyone know?
     "I have some advice for you. Say that you're dating someone so Alex gets jealous. Then he'll try to get you," She told me.
     "Will that really work?"
     "Sure it will. It always does," Eliza said.
     "Okay, bye!" I hung up the call. Something about that didn't seem right about what Eliza had told me, but I trust her. Just as I hung up the call, I saw Alex walked towards me. I waved and smiled. He mirrored my actions. I felt really bad about what I was going to do, but I knew Eliza wouldn't betray me like that. Here goes nothing I guess...

Alex's POV
     "Hey John!" I greeted him.
     "Hey," John said. He looked worried.
     "Is everything okay?" I asked. I was starting to get concerned. What was wrong?
     "Listen, I have to tell you this. I'm dating someone. Charles Lee. I'm sorry, but it's true," He said. I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. I felt tears starting to form in my eyes. Before I knew it, my legs were moving, running anywhere they could go. I think I was running towards the dorm buildings, but I couldn't see through my blurry tears.
     "Alex wait!" I could hear John behind me, but I didn't look back. All I wanted to do was get as far away from everyone as I could.

Eliza's POV
What have I done? John called me and told me what happened. I'm such a terrible person. I actually really like Alex, and I didn't want John and Alex to get together. So I told John bad advice that I knew would fail. What have I done?

Word Count: 547

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