To Make a Deal

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My world has stopped in slow motion. And suddenly I grow colder. From the tips of my fingers and slowly to the bottom of my feet. I could feel that coldness overwhelming me.
The air in my lungs can no longer properly function. And so I lay there bleeding out and choking on air and dust. All I can see out of my fading vision is the pure black eyes of a boy with clenched teeth. Why is he here?.. Has he come to torment me?.. of course he has. We both wanted this, right? But Before I close my eyes to rest for eternity, he than lays me onto his arms and begans gracefully carrying me through that ashy burning landscape. The boy looks down at my now lifeless body for a second before looking angrily back up to the path before him. A sudden whip of dry air, blows through his slick back light gray hair making him even more ethereal then he already was. He was lost with not a ounce of identity or even control left, or so it seemed. Felix only walked forward, only kept a hold of me staring straight ahead. This is my fault, mine from the beginning, it was decided this way the moment I took on the search for a particular site. In fact, I begged for this. The moment to finally rest peacefully, even if I had nothing waiting for me after other than the burning flames of the damned. This was what I had always dreamed. This is it. I no longer exist in that world.

Why did I take what I had for granted!?...

~ 3 months ago ~




An angery woman rips my headphones out of my ears glancing me over from the drivers seat.
"Jesus Christ, Zoey. Ive been calling you! You need to turn down those headphones and talk to me."
I take my other earbud out and look to her sighing.
"What?" My aunt rolls her eyes before speaking slowly at me.
"Pastor David wanted you to sing next sunday. And I told him you would."
"When did this happen?!"
"Last Sunday of course after showing him your old choir videos." She smiles to herself proudly.
"Aunt Kate, that was middle school...."
"Oh please, I think it would be sweet to hear your lovely little voice out there for the whole church. You should sing that beautiful song you always used practice."
"You should have asked me if it was ok.. like fuck, Im not a kid anymore."
" Watch your mouth young lady! Now your definitely doing it. Remember Zoey, God is always watching he knows when you speak like that. If I wasn't driving I'd beat you into the next century. That was very unnecessary language missy! Unbelievable!!"
I sigh and put my earphones back in.
And thats my Aunt Kat. She , as you can tell, a woman of god. Except theres one thing, shes a hypocrite. The woman prances around preaching when in reality she practices nothing she says. She tells me theres something wrong with me everytime i do something she thinks is wrong and forces me to be someone Im not. The woman has had it bad ever since my mother was sent to the county's Psychiatric Ward. If my mother wasn't crazy maybe I wouldn't be in this mess. Maybe I wouldn't have to deal with Aunt Kate. But life isn't fair.
As we past the countrysides and enter the cityscape, I feel hopelessness fill my head and heart. If I could leave this place and not deal with school and petty family matters, I would. But the thing is, I want a death thats interesting. I just don't want to be another suicide victim. Oh no, I want to be a buzzfeed unsolved case. Crazy? Maybe, but being in the world I live in, Id rather die something than nothing at all.

And like that time passes and we arrive at the most preppy Private Highschool in the country, JYPHS. Oh yes, A little school raised on the basic beliefs of religion and hierarchy..
Quickly, with all of my things, I make my way out of the car to my beautiful bestfriend Rosé.
"Good morning!" She smiles.
"What did your aunt do this time?"
"Forcing me to sing at Church."
"Hey, it could be worse.."
"I guess." She grabs my arm and drags me to the art hall.
"Soo I finished my paintingg!"
"Really? No wonder your in a good mood today."
"Yeah!! Its called " Lights " or something like that... The director told me this morning at the meeting that it was a perfect fit for the open house!!."
"THE MEETING." I gasped.
"Ah, Don't worry it wasn't mandatory."
"You scared me.."
"Haha, sorry. So have you started yours?.." she smiles innocently.
"Not yet, im not as efficient as you..."

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