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I spent all my life at a stupid school with people who have no remorse for others...
All I ever get is these fake people looking at me like I'm the problem.. It made me feel like I was nothing. It made me feel like this was all I was meant to be. My mental state is breaking layer by layer. And the thought of a sweet release from it all flowed like a flood within my mind. However, just ending myself wouldn't sasify me. No, I wanted a special death. Something that was unlike any other.. And like a gift send from above, I found the solution to my growing problem. A crazy solution. In fact, I over heard a classmate talking about it. A site that lets you make a deal to a demon... for the price of your soul. Sounds ridiculous and fake. But the more I sit here studying. Studying over things I'll never use. The more I figured I should try it. I'd rather take a real chance then be sitting here waiting for something to never happen.

And so I searched for the site on my laptop. Breathing in I pressed the search button hoping for something to happen.. But to my dissmay, nothing had happened. The site didn't show up. The only thing I found was an " Error Site not found." Plastered on the screen. Damn, Of course, it's was to good to be true..

I sit back and sighed. I guess it's time to get some sleep.. I can't stay up any longer..And so I laid my self into my bed cuddling my blankets.

It's a shame it didn't work...Truly.

The next Morning~

"You look tired sweetheart. Did you stay up agian?"
"Yeah studying.." I say blankly as I sipped my orange juice.
"Really?" My uncle raises a brow looking up from his newspaper.
"Yeah really. I thought maybe I should do that since you got onto me yesterday.."
"I see. I'm glad your working hard kiddo."
"Thank you."
"Well. Since your trying. I'll keep quiet about the 'not doing your work thing' from yesterday."He chuckles.
"You'll do that!?" I smiled happily.
"As long as you past your test. It stays between you and me. I believe you can do it."
"I'll try Uncle.. Well, I think I'm finished. I'm just going to head into the car now." I get up with my things.
"Here's the keys." He throws them to me. "I'll catch up to you in a minute."
"Got it." I walked outside to the truck and placed myself into the passenger seat. And as I sat there, I began to feel weird. Almost as if I didn't belong here. Something was off. Such a uneasy feeling this was... Softly I sighed looking out at the still dark morning sky. It's too early for this dreadful feeling.
"Keys." My uncle says getting into the car. I smile handing him the keys.
"Your in a good mood." I say.
"I'm always in a good mood Zoey."
"Of course." I chuckled. Slowly he heads out of the driveway and into the road. As we head down we finally make it to the highway.
"It's too quite." My uncle states turning on the radio.
The radio DJ begins to speak out eagerly, "It's early morning here folks and boy do I have some news for you.." the radio begins glitching switching channels.
" I neeed...You. He won't.. let.. me... near.. you."

My uncle rolls his eyes, "Of course the radio isn't working. Damn it. Sorry Zoey." He angerily turns of the radio.
"It's fine." I look towards the passing trees wondering about the lectures I was going to be given and how many people would talk about me today. Here it goes. Yep, another ride to the same school with the same routine everyday. Doesn't get better then this..

"Paint brush?"
"Mr. Lee?"
"Uh, Rose. This is art class not tinder." I chuckle.
"Come on!! Do you not see the way he looks at you?"
"Look, He is a very attractive guy. But I'm just not into older men.."
"Your so picky~ "
"You call it picky. I call it "hell no." " She shakes her head.
"Guess Ill try for him if your so against the idea of Mr. Lee."
"You do that. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get to sketching." As soon as I say that the bell rings loudly. She sticks her tongue out at me playfully before walking back to her canvas.

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